[1] De Beauvoir, Simone. (2016). Second Sex. Yogyakarta: Narasi-Pustaka Promethea, hal. Xii. Â
[2] Anugrah, Dea. (2016). Bakat Menggonggong. Yogyakarta: Mojok, hal 77-78.
[3] Simone De Beauvoir. Op. cit., hal. xxvii. Â
[4] Roets, A., Van Hiel, A., & Dhont, K. (2012). Is sexism a gender issue? A motivated social cognition perspective on men's and women's sexist attitudes toward own and other gender. European Journal of Personality, 26(3), 350-359. hal. 5.
[5] Ibid
Lihat juga, Allport, G. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, hal. 9.
[6] Calogero, R. M., & Jost, J. T. (2011). Self-subjugation among women: exposure to sexist ideology, self-objectification, and the protective function of the need to avoid closure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 100(2), 211. hal. 212.
[7] Hassan, Fuad. (2014). Psikologi-Kita & Eksistensialisme. Depok: Komunitas Bambu, hal. 216. Â
[8] Dalam bahasa Inggris diterjemahkan menjadi comprehensive. Istilah ini diusulkan oleh Jasper untuk mengatasi dikotonomi subjek-objek menjadi suatu ketunggalan (Lihat Hassan, hal. 216).
[9] Ibid
[10] Calogero. Op. cit., hal. 211. Â