In terms of long months just five months was enough for us to felt longing, especially of that, in this small island, town of Bangka We would start a new life from nol, especially in wealth WITH STRENGTH OF LOVE AND INTEGRITY IN TOGETHERNESS. That's why unrealized I found myself in tears. but again I realized that THE WHEEL OF LIFE IS REGULATED BY THE ALMIGHTY.
Selain Istri ternyata saya juga disambut oleh adik istri – Madi dan keluarganya – mereka menjemput saya dengan mobilnya. Perjalananpun kembali harus ditempuh dua jam dari Bandara menuju rumah di Toboali.
besides my wife. we also greeted by my wife's btother - Madi and family - they picked me up with his car. the trip would be take two hours from the airport to the house in Toboali.
Rencana tinggal. Istri sudah merencanakan bahwa kami akan tinggal dirumah warisan orang tuanya yang hanya ditinggalin oleh adiknya – Deni beserta istri dan anaknya. Sedang Madi sendiri menempati rumah sebelah dibelakang, masih rumah warisan orang tua. Alhamdulillah kini saya menempati rumah dan halaman besar yang kurang lebih luasmya 2000 meter persegi, sedang rumah saya di Bandung hanya 100 meter persegi. Nikmati saja……
My. Wife already planned that we would stay at parent's home that only stayed by his brother - Dean and his wife and son. Madi occupied the side house on the back, still the legacy of their parent. Thank God, now I occupy a large house and yard approximately about 1.000 meters square , while my house in Bandung only 100 meters square. Enjoy it ......
Jadi di Pulau ini untuk sementara saya tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya untuk tempat tinggal sampai rumah warisan ini laku dijual, yang memang sedang ditawar-tawarkan. Ya ginilah enaknya kawin sama orang kaya hahaha……Maaf cuma guyon…..
So on this island, for a while, I didn't need to pay for a place to stay until the house is sold . Yup. ... It is a pleased married with rich people hahaha ...... Sorry just a joke .....
So for the readers, Pray me in order that I can buy home here.. Don’t worry I pray you too.Thanks
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