"What are you feeling now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Yes, how are you now?"
"I am okay?"
"How come you sound unsure about that?"
"I don't know, Ra"
"Ay, why do you think we pray?"
"I don't know?"
"In my opinion, La, prayer is the easiest way for us to communicate with God. With this prayer, five times a subuh, zuhr, asr, maghrib, isya, that means you talk to God five times," explained Akira "Okay, so?" asked Akira getting confused. "Astaghfirullah Ayla! If you need help, will you just stay quiet like that? You don't ask people for help? You don't talk to people like that? Just keep quiet like that?"
"What? No, I'll ask for help, I'll talk to people"