Mohon tunggu...
Dinda Nurlaili Natasya
Dinda Nurlaili Natasya Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris

Saya seorang mahasiswa tahun kedua program studi Sastra Inggris di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Saya memiliki ketertarikan tentang dunia kepenulisan dan literatur.





16 Desember 2022   21:30 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   21:34 140
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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

The circular object hangs on the gray wall with its two lines forming an acute angle of thirty degrees. Almost the entire room was dark, leaving a few rooms still in a state of light. The sound of metal colliding was heard followed by the sound of the door being opened and then closed again. A girl, still wearing a white shirt and black knee-length skirt with blue stripes, slowly enters a building with minimal lighting, just like thieves entering their victim's house. After removing the white laces that bound her shoes, the girl stepped slowly into the white door that had a hanger with her name on it.

"Where were you last night?" a man's voice made Ayla, who was baking her bread, slightly on tiptoe, surprised. Ayla didn't give a word, didn't know what to say because all she did was walk around aimlessly. "You're not skipping school anymore but now your hobby is coming home at midnight?"

"What do you want exactly, Ayla? Stop giving me a headache with your behavior, I don't only have you to take care of"

"I can take care of myself, you said I'm not a kid anymore, right?" replied the girl without turning her head, still focused on her cooking, even if it was just baking bread. "Is that how you respond to your parents? Have you lost your manners?" Tanweer sneered at his daughter. "What should I do?" Ayla said looking at her father blankly as if she had no interest in continuing the conversation that had made her sick this morning. "Don't be difficult to manage, Ayla, don't come home late, you have to look after your brother, I'll be home late."

"As it's your first time coming home late," sarcastically. "You're going to school alone today, I'll make sure you actually attend school so don't mess around" Tanweer added before leaving with his son, leaving Ayla. Ayla immediately prepared the things she would bring today and left her residence. "You're already here? Skipping again? It's only been three weeks now," said Akira. "Just Tiramisu for today"

"Isn't it too early for coffee? You keep drinking coffee every day, you've been hospitalized because of a stomach ulcer, you don't want something else?"

"Mom loves coffee"


"I want coffee"

"Fine, then." Akira said then left Ayla.

"Ra," Ayla called before the barista who was her friend went further.

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