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Azzahara Zuhra
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Pengertian Kata Kerja Mental dan Cirinya

30 April 2020   13:32 Diperbarui: 24 Mei 2022   16:40 2130
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Thomas W. Zimmerer

Understanding entrepreneurship according to the first experts we quote from Thomas W. Zimmerer's statement, in his theory he mentioned that entrepreneurship is a process of applying creativity and innovation in solving problems and finding opportunities to improve businessnition of the next expert we quote from Richard Cantillon, where the notion of entrepreneurship according to him is a work in itself (ie: entrepreneurship). A businessman buys current goods at a certain price and sells them in the future at an uncertain price. So this definition emphasizes more on how someone is at risk or uncertainty.

Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

Understanding entrepreneurship according to the next experts we take from the opinion of Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto as entrepreneur and accomplished businessman, according to him, entrepreneurship is a creative effort based on innovation to produce something new, has added value, provides benefits, creates jobs and the results are useful for other people.

Suparman Sumahamijaya

The next expert or expert, Suparman Sumahamijaya, according to him, the understanding of Entrepreneurship is an ability (sill) to think creatively and innovate. This creative mind and innovation is the basis and also a source of mobilization so that it can be used as a foundation in facing the challenges ahead.

Ahmad Sanusi

The definition of entrepreneurship according to the experts we take next from Mr. Ahmad Sanusi, he defines entrepreneurship as: a value that is manifested in the behavior that is made into resources, driving forces, goals, tactics, tips, processes, and business results.

S. Wijandi

According to S. Wijandi, the notion of entrepreneurship is a characteristic of courage, the virtue in exemplary in taking risks that comes from one's own abilities. Kewirausahaan menurut para ahli. 

Peter Drucker

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