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Manajemen Konseling BK ditengah Kekurangan Guru: Tantangan Dan Solusi di SMA PGRI 2 Jombang

22 Desember 2024   19:37 Diperbarui: 25 Desember 2024   12:52 174
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

Assyifa Putri Rahmahnazila, Atyka Nujjiya Yufada

Titin Indah Pratiwi, Sherrin Nurlita Widya

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The implementation of guidance and counseling at SMA PGRI 2 Jombang has an important role in supporting students' personal, social, and academic development. Counseling Guidance Teachers (BK) at this school not only function as counselors, but also as facilitators and mediators in helping students face various challenges, such as academic pressure, social conflicts, and emotional problems. However, the limited number of BK teachers is one of the main obstacles that affect the quality of services provided, especially in meeting the needs of diverse students. 

This study aims to explore the management of counseling guidance at SMA PGRI 2 Jombang, including the stages of planning, implementation, as well as the obstacles and solutions implemented. The research method used is a direct online interview through the Zoom Meeting platform with BK teachers. The data collected includes the type of service provided, the frequency of implementation, coordination with related parties, and special case handling procedures.

The results of the study show that the BK program at SMA PGRI 2 Jombang includes basic services, specialization and individual planning services, responsive services, and system support. Periodic evaluations are carried out to ensure that the program is in accordance with the needs of students. However, the limited number of BK teachers causes students not to fully understand the benefits of these services, so their participation in utilizing BK services is still low.

This research provides recommendations in the form of optimizing the role of homeroom teachers, the use of technology for counseling services, and increasing collaboration with parents and related parties. These steps are expected to increase the effectiveness of BK services at SMA PGRI 2 Jombang, as well as serve as a reference for other schools facing similar challenges.

Keywords: Counseling Guidance, BK Management, Shortage of BK Teachers, Educational Services, SMA PGRI 2 Jombang

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