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- Penggunaan bahan ajar digital "Berita Cerdas" dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia untuk materi Teks Berita menawarkan banyak kelebihan, termasuk akses yang luas ke sumber berita, interaktivitas, dan fleksibilitas pembelajaran. Namun, terdapat juga beberapa kekurangan, seperti keterbatasan akses teknologi, ketergantungan pada teknologi, dan potensi distraksi, yang dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor ini dalam merancang dan menerapkan bahan ajar digital agar dapat memaksimalkan manfaat sambil mengatasi tantangan yang ada.
Fisher, T., Denning, T., Higgins, C., & Lovelace, T. (2011). Teachers' learning with digital technologies: Motives, concerns, and opportunities. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 21(3), 419-437.
Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of online learning studies. US Department of Education.
Pane, J. F., & Patriarca, M. (2019). Evaluation of personalized learning: Progress and future directions. Journal of Educational Effectiveness, 12(2), 194-213.
Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Liu, T. C. (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education, 94, 252-275.
Warschauer, M., Knobel, M., & Stone, L. (2004). Technology and equity in schooling: Deconstructing the digital divide. Educational Policy, 18(4), 562-588.
Anderson, R. C., & Pearson, P. D. (1984). A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension. Handbook of Reading Research, 1, 255-291.
Robin, B. R. (2008). Digital storytelling: A powerful technology tool for the 21st-century classroom. Theory Into Practice, 47(3), 220-228.
Barak, M., Lipson, A., & Lerman, S. (2006). Wireless laptops as means for promoting active learning in large lecture halls. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(3), 245-263.