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E-Book Chapter - The Global Trade Environment

22 Juni 2023   20:24 Diperbarui: 22 Juni 2023   20:39 279
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H. Identify problems for global marketers looking to expand in Africa

Infrastructure challenges, the inadequate infrastructure can pose a significant challenge for global marketers operating in Africa, as it can hamper the movement of goods and services across the country. This can be attributed to a lack of proper roads, transportation networks, and other essential facilities (Lwesya, 2021). Cultual and language barriers, Africa is a diverse continent with many different ethnicities and languages, which can make it difficult for global marketers to communicate effectively with local consumers, a better understanding of the cultural norms and languages of each country is essential (King, 2020). Political instability and corruption, many parts of Africa are plagued by political instability and government corruption, which can stifle economic growth and create an unfavorable business environment. This can have a direct impact on the business operations of global marketers (Watabaji, 2022). Limited access to credit, access to credit is a significant challenge in many African countries, making it difficult for businesses to obtain the necessary funding to expand their operations (Ndung'u, 2020). This can limit the expansion opportunities for global marketers in the region. Lack of skilled labor, many African countries face a shortage of skilled labor, meaning that businesses may need to invest significant resources in training and development to ensure staff are appropriately qualified to do the job. This can impede the rapid expansion of global marketers in Africa (Choi, Dutz, 2020).

Limited access to market information, reliable market information can be difficult to obtain in some African markets, which can make it challenging for global marketers to conduct market research and develop effective marketing strategies (Sraha, Sharma, 2020). Limited distribution networks, in some African countries, there may be limited distribution networks, which can make it difficult for global marketers to reach their target audience and distribute their products efficiently (Sutherland, 2020). Economic challenges, while many African countries are experiencing rapid economic growth, others still struggle with poverty and underdevelopment (David, Grobler, 2020). This can make it difficult for businesses to establish themselves in these regions and may require additional resources to address economic challenges. Regulatory challenges, many African countries have complex regulatory systems that can make it difficult for businesses to navigate legal requirements and obtain necessary permits and licenses (Hilson, 2020). Overall, expanding into the African market requires a deep understanding of local cultures, infrastructure, politics, economics, regulations, languages, and market trends. By addressing these challenges, global marketers can successfully expand into this dynamic and rapidly growing market (Litvinenko, 2022).


The global trade environment is complex and constantly evolving. It is characterized by a myriad of factors ranging from market liberalization policies, technological advancements, cultural diversities, and geopolitical tensions. However, despite these challenges, international trade remains vital in promoting economic growth, creating new opportunities, and improving living standards. To remain competitive and successful in the global trade environment, businesses need to be sensitive to changing market conditions, embrace new technologies, build strong relationships with partners and stakeholders, and adhere to regulatory frameworks. In addition, policymakers must work towards creating an environment that is conducive to trade, enabling businesses to compete fairly, minimizing trade barriers, and promoting inclusive economic growth. Ultimately, the global trade environment is an opportunity for countries to promote growth, development, and prosperity for their citizens through international cooperation and mutually beneficial trade agreements.


David, O. O., & Grobler, W. (2020). Information and communication technology penetration level as an impetus for economic growth and development in Africa. Economic research-Ekonomska istraivanja, 33(1), 1394-1418.

Aathif, N. N. (2021, May). Influencing Factors of the United States Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) under the Trump Administration. In Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Universitas Indonesia Conference (APRISH 2019) (pp. 185-193). Atlantis Press.

Watabaji, M. D., & Shumetie, A. (2022). Political instability, corruption and enterprise performance nexus: lessons and policy implications for some selected african countries. Journal of African Business, 23(4), 907-924.

Villarreal, A. M., & Fergusson, I. F. (2020). NAFTA and the United States- Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Congressional Research Service Report.

Toti, M. (2020). Trends in Development of European Union Competition Law. Anali Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Zenici, 13(26), 143-162.

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