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Andrian Pramudya
Andrian Pramudya Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

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E-Book Chapter - The Global Trade Environment

22 Juni 2023   20:24 Diperbarui: 22 Juni 2023   20:39 279
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Shimizu, K. (2021). The ASEAN Economic Community and the RCEP in the world economy. Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, 10(1), 1-23.

Ndonga, D., Laryea, E., & Chaponda, M. (2020). Assessing the potential impact of the African continental free trade area on least developed countries: A case study of Malawi. Journal of Southern African Studies, 46(4), 773-792.

Ishikawa, K. (2021). The ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN economic integration. Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, 10(1), 24-41.

Genschel, P., & Jachtenfuchs, M. (2021). Postfunctionalism reversed: solidarity and rebordering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of European Public Policy, 28(3), 350-369.

Andersson, F. N. (2020). The Euro and the Nation-State That Never Disappeared: Would Europe Benefit from the Return of National Currencies?. The European Union and the Return of the Nation State: Interdisciplinary European Studies, 165-189.

Buti, M., & Fabbrini, S. (2023). Next generation EU and the future of economic governance: towards a paradigm change or just a big one-off?. Journal of European Public Policy, 30(4), 676-695.

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