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Andrian Pramudya
Andrian Pramudya Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

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E-Book Chapter - The Global Trade Environment

22 Juni 2023   20:24 Diperbarui: 22 Juni 2023   20:39 279
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Dadush, U., & Prost, E. D. (2023). Preferential Trade Agreements, Geopolitics, and the Fragmentation of World Trade. World Trade Review, 22(2), 278-294.

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Bown, C. P. (2021). The US--China trade war and Phase One agreement. Journal of Policy Modeling, 43(4), 805-843.

Bathelt, H., & Li, P. (2022). The interplay between location and strategy in a turbulent age. Global Strategy Journal, 12(3), 451-471.

Aritua, B., Wagener, C., Wagener, N., & Adamczak, M. (2021). Blockchain solutions for international logistics networks along the new silk road between Europe and Asia. Logistics, 5(3), 55.

Anderson, G. (2023). Did Labour Norms Save the NAFTA?: Sort of, Accidentally, Depends. Journal of World Trade, 57(3).

Chaisse, J., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2023). Domestic Investment Laws and International Economic Law in the Liberal International Order. World Trade Review, 22(1), 1-17.

Hoekman, B. (2020). Trade wars and the World Trade Organization: causes, consequences, and change. Asian economic policy review, 15(1), 98-114.

Hoekman, B., & Sabel, C. (2021). Plurilateral cooperation as an alternative to trade agreements: Innovating one domain at a time. Global Policy, 12, 49-60.

Ariff, M.   (2021).   Outlooks   for   ASEAN   and   NAFTA   Externalities.

In Cooperation or Rivalry? (pp. 209-224). Routledge.

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