Hand cutting is an effective punishment because it fulfills three elements, namely ease of implementation, low cost, and providing deterrent effects Hand cut causes a deterrent effect because besides being witnessed by the wider community, it is also announced by the state (for example: that A has been cut off for corruption billion, included in national newspapers). Hand cutting is also not haphazard in its application. It must involve health workers such as doctors and nurses who are swift to treat injuries due to cutting hands.
Crime Extraordinary corruption has a detrimental effect on the nation and state and across generations that bear the consequences of corruption, so it is not appropriate to link hand-cutting penalties and death sentences with human rights violations
If the cutting of hands and the death penalty are implemented, the state does not need to bother to spend the cost of food for the prisoners of corruption. Cheaper fees can be obtained. After all, if it continues with prisoners' sentences like so far, they will be able to leave after years of detention, it is not impossible that corruption will be more sophisticated than before.Â
The government in this case Depkumham needs Rp.8,000 per meal for prisoners. If the convicted corruption is sentenced to just 10 years, the Department of Law and Human Rights must spend Rp. 8,000 x 3 meals x 10 years x 365 days. In total, Rp. 87,600,000.
Indonesia as a legal state acts to tolerate criminal offenderscorruption, literally corruption is something rotten, evil and destructive.Because corruption involves moral aspects, characteristics and circumstances rotten.
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