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Zofrano Sultani
Zofrano Sultani Mohon Tunggu... Ilmuwan - Historian, Researcher, Research Consultant, and Social Observer

Follow my Instagram: zofranovanova94. The researcher has an interest in the fields of East Asian History, South Asian History, the History of International Relations. and International Political Economy. He is an alumnus Bachelor of Arts in History degree currently pursuing a postgraduate in the field of socio-politics with a hobby of reading books, watching movies, listening to music, and foodies. Education level has taken: Private Kindergarten of Yasporbi II Jakarta (1998-1999), Private Elementary School of Yasporbi III Jakarta (2000-2006), Public Junior High School 41 Jakarta (2006-2009), Private Senior High School of Suluh Jakarta (2009-2012), and Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang (2012-2019). He has the full name Zofrano Ibrahimsyah Magribi Sultani.




Populisme Ekonomi Nasional Donald Trump sebagai Strategi Politik Ekonomi Domestik "American First" Menghadapi Cina (2016-2020)

6 Desember 2020   15:30 Diperbarui: 5 Februari 2021   01:56 412
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Gambar 3. Grafik Unemployment Rate Amerika Serikat tahun 2010-2020.

BBC (March 20, 2020). Coronavirus: Dow erases Trump presidency gains.,

Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System (February 16, 2020). Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989. Washington, D.C.: Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System.,

Cassidy, J. (January 31, 2020). New reports show that Trump's economic promises were empty. The New,

Financial Times. (November 4, 2020). The rise and fall of the Trump economy in charts.,

Fred Economic Data Research Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. (November 29, 2020). All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls. St. Louis, Montana: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.,

Fred Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. (November 30, 2020). Real and Nominal Household Net Worth. St. Louis, Montana: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis., 

Investor Daily Indonesia. (2020). Mengukur Dampak Pemilu AS terhadap Ekonomi Indonesia.,

Isidhore, C. (February 6, 2020). How Trump's three years of job gains compares to Obama's.,,

Jackson, B. (January 20, 2020). Trump's Numbers January 2020 Update. A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.,

Jacobson, L. (May 14, 2019). Who pays for US tariffs on Chinese goods? You do.,  Washington, D.C. & Florida: Politifact, The Poynter Institute.,

Krugman, P. (February 11, 2020). How Trump Got Trickled Down 2020. New York,

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