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The Role of Teachers in Facing Indonesia's Golden Generation in 2045 Throught Character Education

26 Mei 2023   18:04 Diperbarui: 26 Mei 2023   21:47 261
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Character education is a process of activities to direct children in improving the quality of education and morality and as an effort to instill good habits. Launching from PPKN teacher Mrs. Rimba Ayu, argues that in character education there are five values in character education, the first is the value of religiosity, the behavior of carrying out the teachings of the religion and beliefs that are adhered to, upholding a tolerant attitude towards the implementation of worship of other religions and beliefs, living in harmony and peace with adherents of other religions.

The second is the value of nationalism, which is a way of thinking, behaving, and acting that shows loyalty, concern, and high appreciation for the language, physical, social, cultural, economic, and political environment of the nation, the third is the value of independence, The fourth is the value of mutual cooperation, which reflects actions that appreciate the spirit of cooperation and work together in solving common problems, establish communication and friendship, provide assistance to people in need, and the last is the value of integrity, which is an effort to make himself a person who can always be trusted in words, actions, and work, has a commitment and loyalty to humanitarian and moral values. The character of integrity includes an attitude of responsibility as a citizen, actively involved in social life, consistency of actions and words based on truth.

Pictures of student doing community service every Friday/Personal documentation
Pictures of student doing community service every Friday/Personal documentation

(Pictures of student doing cmmunity service every Friday is ne of the values in character education, personal documentation)

Character education has the goal that the Indonesian generation can show its identity to compete in the industrialized world. Schools and teachers have an important role in realizing character education in addition to the role of government, parents and society. "The way to realize it is by adjusting to the demands of knowledge and what is needed by students and the government has implemented the 2013 curriculum." Mrs. Rimba Ayu said, Monday (22/05/23)

The Minister of Education and Culture gave a speech on National Education Day with the theme "Rise of Indonesia's Golden Generation". This is because Indonesia from 2010 to 2045 has the potential of human resources in the form of a large or abundant population of productive age. If the golden opportunity that has only occurred for the first time since Indonesia's independence can be managed and utilized very well, then the large number of productive age population will become a demographic bonus.

 And this is where the role of the government in development in the field of education to realize it becomes very important through the current generation named generation Z. Why is it said to be Indonesia's Golden Generation because the Indonesian State in 2045, humans born around 1990 to 2010 will reach productive age which in that year the Indonesian State enters 100 years of independence. And also because the next generation of the nation in 2045 has a lot of valuable productive age population called generation Z so that it needs to be managed very well in order to become a useful, qualified, intelligent and useful person for the Indonesian state and this is what is called the demographic bonus which will be implemented in 2045 which is called the golden generation of Indonesia.

This is where the involvement of all parties is needed to jointly realize the Golden Indonesia 2045.  Through today's generation Z must have a progressive optimistic spirit by thinking about the future earlier than others and rich in innovation and solutions in every condition that will come. What is the role of generation Z in welcoming the Golden Indonesia of 2045? "The role of gen z will be very important, it can be seen from the development of the current era is strongly supported by the existence of gen z both from technology, social or culture. gen z is also more adaptable to the progress of the times so it is easier and more capable", Anggita fFajar as a student from madiun state polytechnic said, Wenesday (24/0523).

"The steps to realize the golden indonesia 2045 are many, it can be from improving education of course, health facilities, economy, social, and also doing positive things with the best in their fields not only for themselves but also providing benefits to others not for their own interests but also for the people around them."  Anggita Fajar as a student from the polytechnic of madiun state said, Wenesday (24/05/23).

However, the implementation of character education has not been evenly distributed throughout Indonesia and is also not something that can be done instantly because it can have several barriers ranging from facilities, access, and human resources. Limited facilities cannot be enjoyed evenly in all parts of Indonesia, there are still many remote parts of the country that have not been able to get an education.  

Golden Indonesia in 2045 is a situation where Indonesia's independence is 100 years old. At that time, Indonesia is expected to be a developed and, prosperous. By realizing an advanced, prosperous, modern and civilized golden Indonesia in 2045, Indonesia still faces various fundamental obstacles, including an uncontrolled population explosion that requires clothing, food, shelter, education, health. So to be able to overcome these various obstacles, the long-term goal is teacher and generation Z. And it takes teaching staff, namely teachers and professional teachers, to apply character education to the nation's successors so that they have broad insights into the golden indonesia in 2045. So they are prepared in advance to avoid things that are not wanted. And also nee to produce education graduates who are creative, innovative, interpreneurial, Pancasila-minded, understand, practice the nation's cultural values, have a spirit of nationalism and patriotism.

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