[16] Klett, "National Interest vs. Foreign Investment -- Protecting Parties through ISDS,", 229.   [17] Schwieder, "TTIP and the Investment Court System," 195.
[18] August Reinisch, "Will the EU's Proposal Concerning an Investment Court System for CETA and TTIP Lead to Enforceable Awards? -- The Limits of Modifying the ICSID Convention and the Nature of Investment Arbitration," Journal of International Economic Law 19, (2016):  764.
[19] European Commission, "Commision Draft Text TTIP," Article 9 paragraph (4).
[20] The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention), Article 14 paragraph (1).
[21] Harten, "Reforming the System of International Investment Dispute Settlement," 111.
[22] Hachez and Wouters, "International Investment Dispute Settlement in the Twenty-First Century," 447.
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