"Wait a minute! I smell something good and sweet here," said Jaehwan while looking around.
        "Maybe this one?" ask Sanghyuk while pointing at the box full of cupcakes which I put on the table.
        "But I even haven't open the box how come you guys smell it?" I ask curiously.
        "You shouldn't get worry of their ability to smell foods, Hakyeon," said Taekwoon while chuckles lightly.
        "I wanna eat!" said Wonshik while opening the box.
        "No it's mine!" said Sanghyuk while hugging the box.
        "Mine!" Wonshik steal the cupcakes box.
        "They're starting again. Guys please..." Jaehwan try to be the judges.
        Hongbin chuckles, "noona, are you feel better?"
        "Yes, Hongbin. I'm starting to miss the lessons..."
        "Just recovered first before you can back to the class, Sojin," I told her to be patient.