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The Effects of Fish-Based Food Consumption on Blood Pressure, Uric Acid Levels, and Blood Cholesterol in the Natuna Community

31 Juli 2024   13:15 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2024   13:26 226
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3.3 Uric Acid Levels

Based on the clinical assessment of the uric acid levels of the participants,  9 males have uric acid levels above normal, whereas 12 males have normal uric acid levels. This indicates that the majority of the male population studied has normal uric acid levels, though a significant number still fall into the above-normal category. From the female participants, the data reveals that 27 females have uric acid levels above normal, compared to only 7 females with normal levels. This highlights a notable prevalence of above-normal uric acid levels among the female population studied, contrasting with the male data where normal levels were more common. Participants with higher fish intake tended to have elevated uric acid levels, possibly due to the purine content in certain fish types.

Figure 3.3/Dok. pri
Figure 3.3/Dok. pri
Figure 3.3/Dok. pri
Figure 3.3/Dok. pri

3.4 Cholesterol Levels

Based on the clinical assessment of the cholesterol levels of the participants. The data indicates that 9 individuals fall into the High cholesterol category, 17 individuals are classified under Intermediate cholesterol levels, and the majority, 30 individuals, have Optimal cholesterol levels. This suggests that a larger proportion of the population studied has cholesterol levels that are within the optimal range, while a smaller portion has high cholesterol levels. Higher fish intake was associated with lower cholesterol levels, supporting the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.

Figure 3.4/Dok. pri
Figure 3.4/Dok. pri


4.1 Interpretation of Results

The study analyzed the blood pressure, uric acid, and cholesterol levels of participants aged 20 to 73 years, with a mean age of 43 years. 

The majority of participants (21 individuals) had optimal blood pressure, indicating the healthiest blood pressure readings. 

  • The distribution of blood pressure categories was as follows:

- Optimal: 21 individuals

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
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