Hai..  Jumpa lagi dengan aku, si kompasianer cilik dan masih kelas 4 SD yang lebih sering dipangil "Viki". Kalau tulisan  sebelumnya aku menceritakan tentang cara membuat bunga dari kantong plastik, sekarang aku akan menceritakan  yang lebih seru lagi nih. Aku ingin menceritakan pengalamanku  memenangkan lomba mendongeng. Aku tidak bermaksud untuk sombong lho. Aku hanya ingin berbagi rasa senang  karena bisa memenangkan suatu lomba.
Setelah beberapa kali  aku mengikuti lomba mendongeng akhirnya aku bisa berhasil  juga menjadi juaranya . Aku pernah menjadi salah satu pemenang lomba video mendongeng dalam rangka memperingati  HUT BOBO ke 44 tahun pada April 2017. Saat aku ikut lomba antar sekolah bertemakan ''Beauty in Diversity" pada  bulan Oktober  2017 yang diadakan oleh sekolah Santa Ursula, aku mendapat juara 2 lomba mendongeng. Lalu pada  tanggal 5 November 2017 aku memenangkan juara 1 lomba mendongeng di acara Children's Creative Festival yang diadakan oleh Majalah Nakita dan Bobo di mall Kuningan City. Aku senang sekali karena bisa menambah koleksi piala dari lomba-lomba yang kuikuti.
Pada acara 'car free day' di Kelapa Gading aku juga sering lho mendongeng untuk anak-anak yang datang mengunjungi  mobil perpustakaan di sana. Kuanggap dengan mendongeng di sana, aku juga sekalian latihan buat lomba dan menghibur mereka.
Nah, dongeng yang aku ceritakan saat menang lomba mendongeng adalah Legenda Asal Mula Situ Bagendit yang kubawakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Di bawah ini adalah naskah ceritanya:
The Legend of Situ Bagendit
Once upon a time in Garut, West Java, there lived a widow. She was a richest person in the village. She lived alone in a big house. She had much money and jewelleries. But she was very stingy and greedy. People in the village called her "Nyai Bagendit" which means the stingy woman. Whenever the villagers needed some money, they borrowed the money from Nyai Bagendit, but they had to pay it double or Nyai Bagendit would take their belongings. That was why Nyai Bagendit became richer and richest.
"I'm the richest woman, I have a lot of money. With this money, I can buy everything. No one can take my money", said Nyai Bagendit happily.
One day when Nyai Begendit counted her money, the old beggar came to her house.
"Nyai, please help me, give me some money or just give some food. I am very hungry . It have been 2 days I haven't eaten yet. Help me Nyai" sobbed the old beggar.
When Nyai Bagendit heard the old beggar cried and begged, it made she angry and shouted to the old beggar.
"Hey you lazy old beggar, go away from here ! Food? You ask for food? This is my house, not a restaurant! Go now! I will not give you anything!" said Nyai Bagendit.
Then Nyai Bagendit Threw a stone to the old beggar. The old beggar felt so sad.
"Nyai, I know you are  the richest person here. You have everything, but you never share with others. You are not Grateful to God. Wait for the funishment from God. Remember Nyai, you will not bring anything when you die," spoke the old beggar.
Nyai  Bagendit heard it became more angried and shouted to the old beggar. She didn't have any to the beggar.
"Ha ha ha.. Hey the old beggar, of course you are the person who should be die soon, not me !  I am the richest person here, so no one can punish me, not even God can punish me. Just go away  from here!  I don't care with you lazy woman!"
Then the old beggar left Nyai Bagendit's house with felt so sad.
On the next day, the old beggar came again. Nyai Bagendit really hated it. The old beggar haven't said any word, Nyai Bagendit has shouted.
"Hey the old beggar, how dare you come again to my house? I will not give you money or food. Just go away quickly ! I don't want to see you again!"
Then the old beggar walked away to left the house, but in the Nyai Bagendit't garden the old beggar plugged a stick there.
Nyai Bagendit became more angry, she saw the old beggar's stick has made bad views of her garden. Then She tried to plugged out the stick.
"what an ugly stick, just made bad views to my garden! Ugh.. ugh.. ugh"
The miracle happened, Nyai Bagendit so surprised and frightened, she saw the water came out from the hole in the ground, bursted into the air.
"Buzzzz... buzz... buzz..."
In this danger situation, Nyai Bagendit still remembered to save her money and jewelleries. She ran into her house and brought of her money and jewelleries into the bag. When she came out from the house, It has been too late for her. She couldn't go anywhere. The water has made flooded everywhere.  Nyai Bagendit was so panic. She yelled ask somebody  to help her.
" Help...!"
" Bloop bloop..."
" Help me please !"
" Bloop bloop.."
" Â If you can help me, I give you my money! "
But no one of the villagers had courage to help Nyai Bagendit. They afraid will die drownied in the flood.
"Bloop... bloop... bloop," Nyai Bagendit died drownied in the flood.
Nyai Bagendit's  house covered by flood and became a lake. The people call this like by 'Situ Bagendit'. We can travel to this lake at kecamatan Banyuresmi, kabupaten Garut, West Java.
Moral of this story: Â Don't be stingy and greedy people. We have to help and share with others.
Nah gimana teman-temanku, seru kan cerita tentang asal mula Situ Bagendit? Â Hhhhm makanya kita jangan pelit yaa.. kita harus berbagi kepada siapa saja, berbagi macam-macam dalam berbuat kebaikan, termasuk berbagi ilmu.
Oh ya video aku mendongeng bisa dilihat di sini ya.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmkXiTzfW-Q
Sekian dulu tulisanku kali ini. Sampai jumpa di tulisanku berikutnya. Daaaa... Selamat berakhir pekan.
Dibuat oleh : Viktoria Wilujeng Botka
Kelas : 4 SD Â
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