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M Ferry Zubair
M Ferry Zubair Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

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Qatar Bans LGBT Attributes At The 2022 World Cup, A Human Rights Violation?

15 Desember 2022   12:03 Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2022   12:24 894
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Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General, on 25 September 2018 speaking about LGBT. Source: REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton 

2. Gays

Gay is a term that describes a person's sexual, romantic or emotional attraction to another person of the same sex. For example, a man is attracted to another man or a woman is attracted to another woman. However, the term gay is more often used to describe a man's attraction to other men. In addition, the term gay is also used for transgender men only interested in men and transgender women only interested in women.
Previously, this sexual orientation was called homosexuality. However, the term gay is now considered an outdated and offensive term. Therefore, the term gay is now more widely used than homosexual.

3 . Bisexual

Bisexual or often abbreviated as "bi" is a sexual orientation that describes a person's sexual, romantic or emotional attraction to 2 or more genders. For example, a man is attracted to both women and men.

However, the attractiveness of a bisexual is not always the same. For example, there are bisexual people who tend to be more attracted to women but also men and vice versa.

4. Transgender

Transgender is a term used to describe individuals whose gender identity or expression (male and female) is different from their sex at birth (male and female). Transgender is the term used for transgender people who have undergone physical changes through hormone therapy or surgery, or who have changed their identity, such as changing their name or gender.

LGBT and Mental Health

LGBT was originally classified as a mental disorder. However, in 1975, the American Psychological Association stated that a person's sexual orientation, such as lesbian, gay, and bisexual, is not a mental disorder. The World Health Organization (WHO) also plans to exclude transgender people from the category of mental disorders. Transgender people will then be classified according to gender mismatch.

This decision was made because psychologists found no link between sexual orientation and gender identity with a person's mental health. Instead, one's sexual orientation and identity are seen as normal aspects of human sexuality. Therefore, it can be concluded that LGBT is not a mental disorder. However, of course you can have your own opinion or views on LGBT.

LGBT in The Perspective of Human Rights

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