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M Ferry Zubair
M Ferry Zubair Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

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Qatar Bans LGBT Attributes At The 2022 World Cup, A Human Rights Violation?

15 Desember 2022   12:03 Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2022   12:24 894
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The Concept of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity

Talking about LGBT, it would be nice if we could differentiate between sexual orientation and sexual identity. Because those two things are very related to LGBT.

Sexual orientation

Sexual orientation is a term that refers to a person's attraction, whether sexual, romantic or emotional, to other people of a certain gender. Sexual orientation takes three forms:

  • Heterosexual, who tends to only be attracted to the opposite sex.
  • Homosexuality, the tendency to only like people of the same sex.
  • Bisexual, namely the tendency to like both.

Sexual identity

Sexual identity is a term used to identify a person's gender. Gender identity may or may not be the same as the sex at birth. For example, someone identifies their gender identity as feminine because they were born as a woman. However, someone can also define their gender identity as female, even though they are actually called male since birth.

Remember that sexual orientation and gender identity are two different concepts. Everyone has their own sexual orientation and gender identity, but a person's gender does not determine their sexual orientation. For example, a transgender person may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or not at all.

Get to know LGBT Terminology

After knowing the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity, we can discuss the terminology of LGBT more deeply. The following is an explanation of LGBT terminology:

1. Lesbians

Lesbian is a sexual orientation that refers to a woman's sexual, emotional or romantic attraction to other women. In addition, the term lesbian is now also used to describe transgender's attraction to women or other transgenders.

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