Mohon tunggu...
Mr. Hidayat
Mr. Hidayat Mohon Tunggu... Guru, penulis, dan pemikir

*📚 Moh. Urip Hidayat: Guru Bahasa Inggris dengan WiFi sebagai Lautannya 🌊* Di kelas, Moh. Urip Hidayat adalah seorang *kapten bahasa Inggris* yang membawa murid-muridnya berlayar melintasi samudra kata-kata, tenses, dan idiom-idiom unik. Namun, begitu bel pulang berbunyi, ia menjelma menjadi *peselancar digital*, meluncur bebas di ombak informasi internet, dari artikel edukatif hingga meme receh yang bikin ngakak. 😆 Dengan semangat seorang penjelajah, Pak Hidayat bukan hanya mengajarkan bahasa, tetapi juga bagaimana menaklukkan dunia dengan kata-kata. Baginya, grammar itu penting, tapi *humor dalam belajar lebih penting lagi*. Karena, apa gunanya bisa perfect tense kalau hidupnya selalu tegang? 😜 Jadi, kalau butuh guru yang bisa bikin belajar bahasa Inggris lebih asyik, interaktif, dan kadang diselingi joke khas bapak-bapak, Pak Hidayat adalah jawabannya. *Belajar boleh serius, tapi jangan lupa bahagia!* 🎉 Mengajar bahasa Inggris di SMPN 239, motivation and inspirational enthusiast.



Ilmu Sosbud

Make A Better World with WPO

26 Juni 2022   15:05 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2022   15:21 583
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Make A Better World with WPO


Have you ever heard this lyrics?

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place it was brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living

Make a little space
Make a better place

Heal the world
Make it a better place

For you and for me, and the entire human race

There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me

Yes we must heal the world to make a better place for us here on the planet Earth that we live in, but how do we make the world a better place to live in for us? Well, first of all we need to know and understand the word peace. Why? Because in order to make the world a better place we need peace. So, there will be no more war, war-making, suffering, dispute, conflict, invasion, oppression, colonialism, expansion, and tyranny. Instead, there are only harmony and peace on earth.

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Mohon tunggu...

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