Kali ini menyasar kepada Sergei Deineka, seorang mantan personil militer Ukraina, dituduh terlibat dalam hilangnya jet. Ia berada dalam pesawat MH370 bersama 238 penumpang lain yang hilang secara misterius. Sejak pesawat naas tersebut terbang dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing pada 8 Maret 2014.
Pakar penerbangan CNN, Jeff Wise, telah menulis sebuah buku baru di mana dia mengatakan Deineka adalah bagian dari misi untuk membajak pesawat oleh Rusia sebelum diterbangkan ke Kazakhstan.
Liza Deineka Membantah
Putri dari Deineka membantah bahwa ayahkan terlibat dalam aksi pembajakan MH370 dan menulis di media sebagai berikut:
Since March 8, 2014, I have not seen or heard (from) my dad. The evidence is that he is not dead, so all I can do is hope for the best.
I am very sorry people want to discuss and condemn the emotions of people who have a missing person missing. I don’t agree with many in this article.Starting with answers, ending the reasons why my dad flew this way. They flew to Beijing to get a visa. No plane wreckage was found, so I can’t be sure that they crashed.
All I can do is hope that people could be saved. Unfortunately, so far no one has given us reliable information about what happened to the plane and the people in it.”
Tiba Tiba Ada Lagi Breaking News
MH370 shock theory: Real reason behind plane’s disappearance was 'machines not people!'MH370 disappeared without a trace five years ago and it is still a mystery what exactly happened – but a shocking theory has emerged that suggests machines wrestled control of the plane from the pilot.
PUBLISHED: 00:11, Mon, Aug 12, 201 9 by www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1164503/mh3
Berita terkini yang dipublish oleh express .co.uk pada hari ini, 12 Agustus 2019, menuliskan bahwa teori terkini, ternyata, penyebab hilangnya MH370, bukan karena faktor human error,melainkan karena kesalahan mesin.