EduLearn_14411967731441196773IAES Supportinfo@iaesjournal.comInstitute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceJournal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)EduLearn2302-92772089-98230201201261Model Kepemimpinan Modern di Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ahmad DahlanDwiSulisworo01252012435010.11591/edulearn.v6i1.189
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Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceJournal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)2089-98236120120125Model Kepemimpinan Modern di Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan435010.11591/edulearn.v6i1.189ENDwiSulisworoUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan. the management of higher education, demand a change can be done effectively when the leadership and management are well developed. In general, internal conflicts in the education management occurred due to poor leadership. This study is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The subject of the study is Graduate Program of University Ahmad Dahlan which manages five master programs. Determination of each of people which considers his/her competence, knowledge, experience and personal attributes will affect to performance and operational leadership roles, organizational, and public. Cross-departmental activities and external parties become a focus for leadership in achieving the vision and mission of the organization.
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