Bisa juga digabungkan dengan strategi sinonim yang dimana menjadi
There is dismay that many lesser used languages may pass away, as languages such as Chinese, English and Spanish become more broadly spoken.
Learning to manage money is one of the key aspects to adult life.
Diparaphrase menjadi
Learning to manage money is one of the aspects to adult life that is key.
- Merubah bentuk kata
Dalam bahasa inggris banyak bentuk kata seperti; kata benda, sifat, kerja dan keterangan. Dengan merubah bentuk kata dapat memudahkan kita dalam paraphrasing secara efektif.
Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and active lives.
Diparaphrase menjadi
Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people are suggesting that people over the age of sixty-five can continue living full and active lives.
- Merubah kalimat dari bentuk aktif ke pasif