Seperti contoh di atas, kita bisa melihat bahwa klausa yang digarisbawahi tersebut memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut terkait subject dalam kalimat tersebut. Namun, kita juga bisa menggunakan klausa di atas untuk menjelaskan objek dalam kalimat seperti contoh di bawah ini:
I work in a company which specializes in creating advertising designs and videos.
When I visited Bali last year, we stayed at a hotel which had an Olympic sized swimming pool.
Last year, I went to see my friend who worked in Microsoft.
I had the opportunity to meet Bill Gates who is listed as one of the most influential people in the last decade.
Indonesia is well known for its food that is very diverse due to the various cultures existing in the country.
I hope to buy a house that has a private cinema.
Dari semua contoh di atas, dapat kita pahami bahwa penggunaan which/who/that bisa untuk menjelaskan subject atau object dalam kalimat.
Gunakan "which/that" untuk menunjukkan sebab dan akibat