Jawaban      : DÂ
Pembahasan   : Emma memperkenalkan diri pada Melany Dengan menyapa dan menyebutkan
namanya "Hi, I'm Emma. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan D
Expressing sympathy (Ungkapan rasa simpati)
We offer (menawarkan) Â our condolences (kedukaan/belasungkawa) Â when something bad has happened to someone else.
- I am sorry (Saya turut bersedih/berduka)
- I am very sorry to hear about your father
- I feel sorry for your lost
- Please accept  my sympathy (mohon terima rasa simpatiku)
- Let me offer (menawaran) my condolences (kedukaan)
- Let me tell you how sorry I am to hear about your brother
- Â
Responding to condolences (menanggapi turut belasungkawa)
- Thank you
- That's very kind (baik hati) Â of you
- That's how it should be
Contoh soal ujian dan pembahasan
- Rosi         : I heard your grandmother is ill now
- Dina         : Yes, she is. She has been in the hospital for almost one week
- Rosi         :  . . . . .
- Dina         : Thank you, she is getting better now
- It's terrible.(mengerikan)
- I'm sorry to hear that. Â Â
- She is fine. Â Â Â Â Â Â
- Are you okay?
- Is the hospital far (jauh)?
- Jawaban      : B
- Pembahasan   : mendengar nenek Dina sakit, Rosi menyampaikan rasa simpatinya dengan mengucapkan "I'm sorry to hear that."
Asking for Advice (meminta nasihat) / suggestionÂ
Advise/ suggest=v. Â menasihatiÂ
- Can you give me some advice(nasehat)
- Do you have any advice for me?
- If you were me, what would you do?
- Do you think I should tell the teacher?
- Should I consult my parents about this matter/ problem?
Offering Advice/ suggestion (menawarkan nasihat)
- I advise you to move  to a new house
- I suggest (menyarankan) Â that you buy the motorbike next year .
- If I were you, I would stop cheating (menyontek) during(selama) exam
- I think you'd better study harder next time.
- You should consult your parents immediately(dengan segera)
- before the matter gets worse.(memburuk)
- Contoh soal ujian dan pembahasan
- Doctor : Ma'am, if you really want to reduce(mengurangi) your weight(berat),. . . .
- Patient : Alright, Doctor. I'll try.
- You may not eat too many snacks every day.
- You might not eat too many snacks every day.
- You should not (seharusnya tidak)eat too many snacks every day.
- You could not eat too many snacks every day.
- You can not eat too many snacks every day.
- Jawaban      : C
- Pembahasan   : Dokter menyarankan pasiennya agar jangan mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak snak.
Expressing Necessity (keharusan)
- You must obey (mentaati) Â your parents
- You must study hard if you want to pass  (lulus) the exams (ujian) with satisfying grades
- You must be creative and innovative if you want to be a successful entrepreneur
- You must not cheat (menyontek) during exams
- You must not miss (meninggalkan) classes without permission
- You have to (harus)go bed early to be able to wake up early the next morning
- You don't have to follow all your friends' bad habits if you don't want to stupid
- You don't have to buy new uniform (seragam)
- Contoh soal Ujian  dan pembahasan
- Deni   : I really don't know what I have to do to make Mrs. Liam pass me next term
- Irawan : Mrs. Liam's exam will be about understanding.Â
- Â You just have to study hard .
- Deni   : Ohh....... that's the problem in understanding the materials.
- Irawan : don't worry. I'll help you
- The underlined sentence shows . . . .
- Agreement                         d.    compliment (pujian)
- Support (dukungan) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â e. Â Â Â preference (kesukaan)
- Necessity (keharusan)
- Jawaban      : C
- Pembahasan   : kalimat yang digaris bawahi pada kalimat diatas adalah kalimat
- yang menyatakan keharusan. Hal ini ditandai adanya frase have to