Kami terus-menerus, sangat sering, berlatih Meridian Pusat. Ini memicu sebagian energi di sepanjang dantian yang berbeda. Maka kesadaran Anda jauh lebih tajam. Anda lebih peka dalam merasakan kondisi Anda---fisik, emosional, dan spiritual.
Secara fisik---ketika kesadaran Anda akan kondisi fisik Anda kuat---ya, semua orang bisa sakit. Aku juga sakit. Namun Anda dapat merasakan---Anda dapat merasakan---kondisi Anda jauh lebih awal dibandingkan kebanyakan orang. Maka pengobatannya jauh lebih mudah. Seperti banyak hal lainnya, pada tahap awal penanganannya sangat sederhana. Ibaratnya Anda masuk angin---Anda terkena penyakit---mungkin teh jahe dan mandi air panas bisa menyelesaikan masalah. Namun jika Anda menunggu sampai kedalamannya, maka ini serius.
Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada perasaan---emosi. Kami merasakan jika kami tidak seimbang. Anda merasakan diri Anda sendiri jika Anda menyesuaikan diri. Anda selalu berada dalam situasi penyeimbangan. Itu sebabnya kami menyebutnya "Master Key", lho. Itu tidak berarti Anda selalu berada di pihak kanan. Ia selalu berpindah-pindah, ke arah kiri-kanan, tidak terlalu jauh. Ya. Tidak terlalu jauh. Itu karena [Anda] adalah manusia yang telah ditingkatkan.
TS: Robert, ketika kita mulai mengontak dan membangunkan perasaan Meridian Pusat di tubuh ini, apakah Anda punya gambaran seberapa besar kolom cahayanya---atau pancaran cahaya yang turun melalui bagian atas kepala kita--- seberapa lebarnya?
RP: Berapa lebarnya? Itu berada di antara jurang kedua matamu. Seperti, jarak dua mata. Bagian tengah mata yang satu, lalu bagian tengah mata yang lain, maka didapatlah diameter jarak kedua mata tersebut. Lalu ada lingkaran besar---itu adalah saluran Meridian Pusat yang mengarah ke atas dan ke bawah. Ini seperti kereta bawah tanah---tabung untuk energi yang bergerak di tengah-tengah kedua mata Anda. Diameter itu. Sebesar itu.
And [there is a] saying from some ancient text, saying, "Ordinarily, if you have never done any cultivations of energy, a Central Meridian is connected---" because if the Meridian's blocked 100 percent, you're a bad person. Everybody's Meridian is connected, but is not that strong. They say it is the size of a pencil---that is, for people who are not so strongly cultivated with energy. But with constant cultivations, meditations, movement qi among them, they can expand. Yes---expand even bigger than that size. Then, it is the size of the whole body---the whole column. When you reach into that part of energy channeling---the whole body, up and down---that is the time, they say, that you are the angel, because you go beyond your physical body.
TS: It's interesting, Robert, because one of the practices that you teach---you call it "Connecting Universe." You teach people how to expand the Central Meridian to the size of the body, and then beyond to the size of the room---and beyond the size of the room to the size of the town they live in. Basically, we expand our Central Meridian all the way to infinity! It's a pretty amazing practice. Can you tell us a little bit about how that practice works? What does it do to our Central Meridian if we practice like that on a regular basis?
RP: You fond a good exercise to start with, and it's wonderful. That is called "Connecting Universe." When I practiced with my master about this---when he introduced me [to] this exercise---which is in the book. Anyway.
He made a comparison, saying, "Well, what is the best way for you to avoid a drop of water from drying out?" You put it in the ocean. Then it spreads everywhere. So you are connected with the whole ocean.
Well, the same [thing goes for] our energies. The Central Meridian is the channel that can connect with the universal energies. We are born with a lot of energy---like we are born rich. In my master's words, I say, "Everybody is a gold mine," meaning we are rich. But the problem is that everyone is holding the golden ball [back]. The reason that we have the gold ball in hand but still hold it back is that we don't know how to connect with the universal energies and we assume we're very poor.
So, "Connecting Universe" is the practice that makes you resourceful all the time with the universal energy---and not just exhausting your own energies. It's focused on expanding the Central Meridian.