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US-China Competing to Grip The World, Is There A Cold Wang Going On?

26 November 2022   23:29 Diperbarui: 26 November 2022   23:57 272
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Nancy Pelosi speaks at the U.S. Capitol building, Capitol, Washington, United States, November 17, 2022 (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster).

Asked about the report, Wu added:

"China's relevant actions are a necessary warning against provocations by the United States and Taiwan and a legitimate defense of national independence and security."

US President Joe Biden expressed concern about the situation and did not expect the situation to escalate. "I'm not worried, but I'm sad they moved like that. But I don't think they should do more than what they do," Biden told reporters at Dover Air Force Base.

Pelozo's trip last week angered China, which claims Taiwan as a territory. Beijing responded by launching the first test of a Taipei ballistic missile and cutting off several lines of dialogue with Washington.

Taiwan's defense ministry said Chinese military ships, planes, and jets simulated attacks on the island and its navy in drills last week, carrying out several sea and air strikes along the center line. China is the right comprehensive strategic partner for Indonesia to achieve peace and prosperity. Despite its geographical proximity, China is a powerful nation that should not be offended.

Unlike the United States, which often uses its military power to dominate other countries. In the past, China has never attacked, threatened, or encouraged other countries to ally with it. He never imposed his political and economic ideology. This happens often, the US is jealous of China. 

Maybe because the United States has long been a superpower. He was suddenly shocked by the truly extraordinary rise of China. China values its reputation. The more jealous the US is, the easier it is for China and Indonesia to control them. "This is a complete joke," said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday, March 8, 2022, as quoted by state media AFP.

"The US violates China's sovereignty under the guise of so-called democracy... those who insult China will be punished," he said.

China itself is not kidding. Various measures have been taken since yesterday, ranging from direct military fire to trade restrictions. China's first response to Pelosi's arrival was military action. It refers to military exercises that involve planning and organizing military forces involving air, land, and sea power, usually for security purposes.

This military action was marked by direct fire at several locations throughout Taiwan. It is known, the practice distance to the coast of Taiwan is only 20 kilometers (km).

On the other hand, the United States stated its position in defending Taiwan. Even in response to Beijing's fighter jet strikes, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken accused China of "coercive and provocative actions".

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