When we sleep, our bodies don't get fluids for more than 12 hours, so if we sleep toou much, we can become dehydrated and wake up with headaches due to lack of fluids.
5. Obesity
A study revealed that if you sleep too much, the body stores a lot of fat and the chances of reducing this fat level are very small, this is what can cause the risk of obesity.
● So what are the tips for getting enough sleep?
1. Reduce the use of smartphones, because smartphones are very influential for the eyes.
2. Try to make a sleep schedule, so that our sleep time becomes regular.
3. Adequate naps. Because if you sleep less during the day, it can cause your night time to be excessive and irregular.
4. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol.
5. Last but not least is do regular exercise in daily life.
So the conclusion is to keep sleeping with enough time and apply the tips previously explained, I'm sure the tips above can help all readers. Thank you and don't forget to sleep.
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