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Ruby Astari
Ruby Astari Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis, penerjemah, pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, pembaca, dan pemikir kritis.

"DARI RUANG BENAK NAN RIUH": Untuk menjelaskan perihal penulis yang satu ini, cukup membaca semua tulisannya di sini (dan mungkin juga di tempat lain). Banyak dan beragam, yang pastinya menjelaskan satu hal: Ruang benaknya begitu riuh oleh banyak pemikiran dan perasaan. Ada kalanya mereka tumpang-tindih dan bukan karena dia labil dan irasional. Seringkali daya pikirnya melaju lebih cepat dari tangannya yang menciptakan banyak tulisan. Penulis juga sudah lama menjadi ‘blogger yang kecanduan’. Samai-sampai jejak digital-nya ada di banyak tempat. Selain itu, penulis yang juga pengajar bahasa Inggris paruh-waktu, penerjemah lepas, dan penulis lepas untuk konten situs dapat dipesan jasanya secara khusus di Kontenesia ( Bisa sekalian beramal lagi untuk setiap transaksi (terutama selama bulan Ramadan ini) : R.



Sosbud Pilihan

"About Weddings and Marriages"

24 September 2015   09:46 Diperbarui: 24 September 2015   10:02 335
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            Honestly, it’s very difficult not to get offended by such nasty comments. You’d want to tell them to back off, get a life, and mind their own business – whatever it is. Or keep themselves busy with something else and just leave you be.

            If they happen to be single too like you, but often lecture you as if they’re not and have got a much better life than yours, sometimes you feel like telling them off – like this:

            “Why don’t you fetch a husband/wife for yourself first? Then maybe, I can let you talk to me like that!”

            However, you realise that it’s just not worth it. Whatever you do (or not), people will always have something to say. There’ll always be the opinions of others.

            In the end, it’s all about your personal decisions and responsibilities. You don’t owe them any explanation. Everyone needs to acknowledge that moment when ‘caring’ becomes ‘overbearing’ and ‘suffocating’.

            Sadly, there’ll always be people who treat ‘weddings’ and ‘getting married’ like a race or a competition. Who’s got it grandest? Who’s tied the knot the quickest?

            Who can look happiest with their partner on the outside?

            In this society, you’ll simply be viewed as a cynic for having these thoughts.

            There’s nothing wrong with weddings and marriages, ever. Just don’t get married out of loneliness. A friend of mine told me: “Marry someone not only because they make you happy, but because you want to spend the rest of your life with them.” For me, marriage is an opportunity given by God so you take care that person you love for the rest of your life – and vice versa. You don’t always get along with each other, though. In fact, sometimes you drive one another crazy.

            It’s the commitment that gets you to stay – and faith that it’ll still work out in the end. It’s not easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

            What if it doesn’t work out? Does that make one a failure? Will one be brave enough to give it another try, no matter how hard it is and how scared they are?

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