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Muhammad Rizky Fajar Utomo
Muhammad Rizky Fajar Utomo Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Personal Blogger

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[Mythology] Eros and Psyche

3 Februari 2020   09:21 Diperbarui: 3 Februari 2020   09:19 1735
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"Oh you're the most beautiful maiden, don't you ever get any closer to those lambs! They're so wild! All you need is just waiting until daylight period when the sun shine so hard. They will in the shade under a tree.." said the Naiad.

Psyche understood what she had to do. She thanks the Naida and go observed the lambs. When the lambs went out from the tree, Psyche take its wool that draweed on the stick of that tree and she accomplished her second task.

More successed Psyche, more difficult her task that given by Aphrodite to accomplish.

Now, she had to take deathly water from Styx, river. She thought that she will die in doing her task, but suddenly came Zeus (God of The Sky, Lightning, Thunder, Law, Order and Justice) golden eagle named Aetos Dios that helped her take the water for her and she can accomplished her third task.

Psyche's successful has made Aphrodite more upsite and she gave Psyche last task.

"Because of you, my son, Eros became a mischievous son. He no longer obey my order. I got stress because of this and it drained my beauty. Now, you had to go to the Underworld. Meet Persephone and ask her for a little bit of her beauty from her box with the elixir of beauty.." said Aphrodite, giving the last task.

Driven by her desire to reunite with Eros, she was fearless. After accomplishing the tasks, Psyche had to go to the underworld in order to accomplish her last task.

But, she confused about how she can entered the underworld without died first. She confused until she felt desperate and decide to jump from a tower. But, suddenly the tower gave her clues how to entered the underworld and then she entered the underworld.

She followed the path that tower told her before,then she paid Kharon (Ferryman of Hades that carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers; Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of dead) to deliver her until the gate and she threw a bread to Cerberus (Hound of Hades; the multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld to prevent the dead from leaving) so the Cerberus had a scramble to eat the bread. She also refused the spirit's requests.

When Psyche arrived in Hades (The God of The Underworld, The Dead and Riches) castle, she directly did her last task; ask Persephone (The Goddess of The Underworld, Springtime, Flowers and Vegetations. Consort of Hades) her beauty box. Appropriate with the clue she got, she refuse to sit on the chair and only ate bread from all of the foods on the table.

Persephone gave the box and Psyche bring the box with the elixir of beauty to Aphrodite, who ordered her not to open the box. She went out carefully from the Underworld, paid more to Kharon and gave more bread to Cerberus. Finally, Psyche made it.

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