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Muhammad Rizky Fajar Utomo
Muhammad Rizky Fajar Utomo Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Personal Blogger

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[Mythology] Eros and Psyche

3 Februari 2020   09:21 Diperbarui: 3 Februari 2020   09:19 1735
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Day by day, Psyche missed her family and she asked to the beast to invite her family to come to their home. And then, Psyche's family came to her home. In her home, Psyche talked about her happiness with her sisters and confined in them how sad she was she couldn't see his face.

"You should see the face of that beast, sister. He can even kill you while doing sex or maybe while you're falling in sleep.." said one of her sisters

Hence, the jealous sisters persuaded Psyche that her lover is not only an ugly beast but also a monster who would eventually kill her. So, she should kill him first to save herself.

With the oil lamp and knife in her hands, Psyche one night was ready for murder, but when she enlightened the face of her beast-husband she saw the beautiful God, Eros. Caught by surprise, she spilled the oil on his face. Eros woke up and flew away telling Psyche that she betrayed him and ruined their relationship so that they could never be united again.

When heard that Psyche's Husband is a God and he left Psyche, Psyche's sister went to the stoned hill and praying to the Zephyros that they will be brought to the Gods Castle. Zephyros came but he didn't bring them to the castle, he brought them to a ravine and drop them there.

Psyche has been waiting for a long time for her husband back to their home but he never came back. So, she started searching for her lost love. In her quest to find her husband, she came into Demeter's Temple.

In the temple, she saw grains splattered and the temple looked so mess. She gathered those grains until the temple looked clean. Demeter (The Goddess of Agriculture, Fertility and The Harvest) that knew about Psyche's love story, talked to Psyche.

"You deserved to get happiness, beautiful maiden. If you're looking for Eros, you should meet her mother, Aphrodite, The Goddess of Beauty and beg her for some forgiveness.." said Demeter

Psyche was so happy to get Demeter's concern, so she went to Aphrodite Temple and when she arrived there, she beg to Aphrodite for her forgiveness. Aphrodite that stil upset with Psyche, presented some tasks to do and if she accomplish them, Psyche will get Aphrodite's forgiveness. Psyche afford it.

The first task is Aphrodite has prepared for Psyche a heap of three kind of grains. Psyche had to dissociate those grains in each kind grains to the different heap before the night ends. Desperately, Psyche did that impossible task. But, suddenly there were ants came to help her doing her task. That impossible task finally is able to accomplished.

The second task is Psyche had to take some wool from golden lambs that browsing at the edge of the river. When she wanted to closer to the lambs, there was a Naiad (River Nymph) stopped her.

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