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We went straight to forestry office,
new rule: every team have to guide by a guide (Rp. 100.000 / 2 = Rp. 50.000) how lucky we were, met a group, shared our cost :D
Before got on a boat, i rent a couple of rubber shoes (Rp. 10.000), meanwhile Widi & Mbah Kera wore tracking shoes, Dhani, Kak Titin wore tracking sandals.
11.58am on board- pantai Sendang Biru-Tanjung Semut by a local fisherman boat (Rp. 130.000 / 2 = Rp. 65.000) how lucky we were, met a group, shared our cost :D
12.05 arrived at Tanjung Semut, dont forget to ask fisherman’s phone number
12.10pm tracking for 2.5 KM à  1 -7 hours, depend on u’r trekking style :D  menerabas hutan, menerabas lumpur, sambil ber-spa lumpur hihihi... extremely muddy, huh.. fortunately there wasn’t any leechs here.
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