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Travel Story

Sempu-Batu-Jahe 2014

18 Desember 2015   17:25 Diperbarui: 28 Mei 2016   10:20 82
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how much I have enjoyed my greenhandsfree. I listen to my hippobiscuit hours at a time

I've tried for years to find heaphones or earbuds that I can lay on my side and sleep comfortably with. All others hurt the inside of my ears and made it impossible to sleep. Until I found my monstergreenhandsfree ... it completely revolutionized my sleep on train. I don't know what I'd do without them!


09.30am arrived Malang, met Mbah Keraton and his friends.

10.00am we went to TCA by Charter Public.T

10.30am we went to Malang Traditional Market, looked for our supplies at Sempu tomorrow (Bahan Sayur Sop, Ikan Asin, Tempe, Minyak Goreng, Gula, Beras, Saos, Kopi, Sambal, Teh, Nugget, Terigu + Mineral Water, Tissu Gulung, Roma Malkist, Kacang Bawang, Sabun Colek-buat-nyuci-diTCA). Total Rp. 118.000,-

01.30pm In TCA, we started to unpack our things and changed our clothes then had some rest for a while.

04.00pm ate mieayam Rp. 2.500 (Dhani said “akuu membayarnya dengan tersenyuum” :D ) Huahaha..


ga perlu pakai ayam dan mecin at Pasar Tumpang Malang – View on Path.

Dhani was trying to get a deal for motorcycle rent. Well, actually we got a message from a friend of mine: Calling 082230149593 for motorcycle rent

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