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Ilmu Sosbud

The Example of Authentic Text

9 Mei 2023   14:46 Diperbarui: 9 Mei 2023   14:57 194
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The Importance of LAN in digital era

By: Rooney Ganendra, Oktavian Ramadhan, Raka Destya, Slamet Sakti, Ragil Putri

In today's digital era, the internet has become a basic human need. According to, the number of internet users in Indonesia currently reaches 215.63 million. This number certainly continue to increase every year. Therefore, the internet can be regarded as a basic need for humans because now there are many jobs that require learning how to use the internet.

Now, the internet has many functions one of them is that we can use to share files. Before the development of technology like today, we can share files in the old way, which was using a flashdrive or external storage, but this method has some risks, such as damaged files (corrupt files), and the device can be damaged because the flashdrive or external storage is in physical form. Because of these various problems, the students of SMK Negeri 1 Klaten have developed a technology called LAN to share resources (such as files), security systems, and communication systems.

Local Area Networks (LANs) have become a very common part of modern computing, connecting computers and devices within a limited geographic area, such as a building, campus, or office. In this blog post, we'll dig deeper into what LANs are, how they work, and why they're important in today's digital era.

According to Madcoms (2010: 2), "a LAN is a network that connects a number of computers in a location with a limited area, such as a room or building. Simply put, a LAN is a computer communication system whose distance is limited to no more than a few kilometers and uses a high-speed connection between 2 and 100 mbps.

LANs work by connecting devices to a central device called a switch or router. The switch or router acts as a center that allows devices to communicate with each other and share resources. Data is transmitted over the network using various protocols, including Ethernet and Wi-Fi.

According to Douglas Comer, the goal of a LAN is to provide a reliable and scalable network that can accommodate user needs within a given physical location as well as allow users to share resources and communicate efficiently.

The characteristic of LAN are:

  1. It has scope that can be achieved by LAN network is relatively narrow when compared to WAN networks or MAN networks.
  2. It does not require internet access to be able to use the LAN network because this network can function properly even though there is no telecommunication line.
  3. It has higher transfer speed when compared to two  other types of networks, namely WAN and MAN 

How do LAN work?

According to we can setup the LAN to share file with this tutorial

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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