Mohon tunggu...
P Joko Purwanto
P Joko Purwanto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Teacher

Becoming added value for individual and institute, deeply having awareness of personal branding, being healthy in learning and growth, internal, external perspective in order to reach my vision in life, and increasingly becoming enthusiastic (passion), empathy, creative, innovative, and highly-motivated.



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Growing in Truth, Competence, and Care, The Heart of Catholic Teacher

10 Oktober 2024   22:40 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2024   22:43 34
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Benedict XVI. (2009). Caritas in Veritate: On integral human development in charity and truth. Vatican Press.

Congregation for Catholic Education. (1977). The Catholic school. Vatican Press.

John Paul II. (1998). Fides et ratio: On the relationship between faith and reason. Vatican Press.

John XXIII. (1965). Gaudium et spes: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the modern world. Vatican Press.

Paul VI. (1965). Gravissimum educationis: Declaration on Christian education. Vatican Press.

The New Revised Standard Version Bible. (1989). Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

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