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P Joko Purwanto
P Joko Purwanto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Teacher

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Growing in Truth, Competence, and Care, The Heart of Catholic Teacher

10 Oktober 2024   22:40 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2024   22:43 34
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From a philosophical perspective, growing in care means recognizing the intrinsic dignity of each person. Catholic social teaching stresses the importance of respecting the human person and fostering their development (Gaudium et Spes, 1965, no. 26). For Catholic educators, this involves creating a learning environment that is respectful, inclusive, and nurturing. 

Care is not only shown in how teachers interact with their students but also in how they create a sense of community within the classroom where each student feels they belong.

Care also involves attentiveness to the needs of the whole person. Catholic educators are called to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of their students’ lives.

 This includes being sensitive to students' backgrounds, personal struggles and needs while encouraging them to develop their God-given talents. In a Catholic framework, education is understood as integral to the formation of the whole person, not just the intellect (Gravissimum Educationis, 1965, no. 1).

Theologically, care as a Catholic teacher is rooted in the Christian understanding of love, or caritas. Jesus’ commandment to "love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34, NRSV) serves as the foundation for the way Catholic educators are called to care for their students. This love is not just emotional but involves concrete actions that promote the good of others. 

A teacher’s care, therefore, extends beyond academic support; it includes fostering the moral and spiritual development of students. In Catholic education, care is also directed toward helping students understand their responsibilities toward others, especially the poor and vulnerable (Caritas in Veritate, 2009, no. 58).

Growing in care as a Catholic teacher also requires cultivating empathy, patience, and compassion. Teachers are called to reflect Christ’s love in their interactions with students, modeling virtues like kindness and humility. This approach encourages students to care for others, forming them to be responsible citizens who contribute to the common good.

Furthermore, growing in care involves a commitment to the pastoral dimension of teaching. Teachers are often entrusted with guiding students through difficult times, whether those challenges are academic, personal, or spiritual. This pastoral care is essential to the Catholic educator’s role, as they provide not only academic instruction but also emotional and spiritual support. 

They help students to navigate challenges and grow in resilience, drawing upon the Catholic faith as a source of strength and comfort (The Catholic School, 1977, no. 47).

In conclusion, to Grow in Care as a Catholic Teacher means to embody the love of Christ through attentive, compassionate, and holistic concern for the well-being of students. It involves creating an environment where students are not only educated but also valued, supported, and encouraged to develop fully as persons made in the image of God.

  • How do I show genuine care for the emotional, spiritual, and academic well-being of each of my students in a way that reflects Christ’s love?

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