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P Joko Purwanto
P Joko Purwanto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Teacher

Becoming added value for individual and institute, deeply having awareness of personal branding, being healthy in learning and growth, internal, external perspective in order to reach my vision in life, and increasingly becoming enthusiastic (passion), empathy, creative, innovative, and highly-motivated.




Building Sustainable Friendships and Protecting Our Commom Home: Inspiring Tales of Unity, Diversity, and Positive Change

19 April 2023   23:29 Diperbarui: 20 April 2023   00:51 640
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Promoting empathy, understanding, and a shared sense of responsibility for the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants (Bing Image)

Carlos, a farmer from Brazil

Kiera, a student from the United States


Maya, Amir, Carlos, and Kiera were all passionate about making a difference in the world. They met at a conference on sustainability and quickly realized that they shared a common goal: to create positive change in their communities. Maya was concerned about the impact of pollution on the environment in her city, Amir was working to improve the living conditions of refugees in Palestine, Carlos wanted to promote sustainable agriculture in his region, and Kiera was advocating for more eco-friendly practices at her university. 

Inspired by each other's work, the four friends decided to collaborate on a project that would address all of their concerns. They came up with the idea of planting community gardens in each of their respective cities. The gardens would serve multiple purposes - they would provide fresh produce for the community, promote sustainable agriculture, and reduce the carbon footprint of each city.

Maya, Amir, Carlos, and Kiera worked tirelessly to make their vision a reality. They met regularly over video calls to share ideas and plan out the logistics of the project. They also pooled their resources to purchase seeds, tools, and other necessary supplies.

Finally, the day arrived when they could begin planting the gardens. Maya's community garden was located in a public park in her city, Amir's was in a refugee camp in Palestine, Carlos's was on his family farm in Brazil, and Kiera's was on the campus of her university. The four friends worked tirelessly for weeks, planting and tending to the gardens.

Their hard work paid off - the gardens flourished and provided an abundance of fresh produce for their respective communities. People from all walks of life came together to tend to the gardens and share in the bounty. The project also sparked conversations about the importance of sustainability and the impact of individual actions on the environment.

Maya, Amir, Carlos, and Kiera felt a deep sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that they had made a tangible difference in their communities. They realized that even small actions, like planting a garden, can have a big impact on the world. They continued to work together on other projects, building on the foundation of their friendship and the seeds of change they had planted.


Act 1:

Maya: I'm so glad we're all here, it's amazing to meet people who share the same passion as me.

Amir: Same here, it's great to see how we can work together despite coming from different parts of the world.

Carlos: Absolutely, I think we can make a huge impact if we pool our resources and ideas together.

Kiera: Yes, and I think we can start with something small, but impactful.

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