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Apologet Paul Zhang
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Apologet (Menjawab Iman Kristen). Penulis buku best seller Serial Menggugat Alkitab dan Khilafah Terakhir. Memberitakan Injil fokus kepada orang-orang Islam. Artikel tentang Khilafah Nusantara (sedang dibukukan) menggelitik dan memandang masa kolonialisme dari perspektif kekuasaan Islam. Aktifitasnya berapologia, menjawab fitnahan Islam terhadap kekristenan sudah membuahkan hasil dengan ratusan ex-muslim yang dibaptis, juga banyak orang kristen yang diteguhkan imannya melalui artikel dan tulisannya di Facebook.




Dr. Zakir Naik Ikan Paus dan Tragedi 2 Malam 1 Hari Kematian Yesus

6 Januari 2016   14:44 Diperbarui: 4 April 2017   18:23 36154
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  1. Jesus Christ was not crucified on Friday, but on Wednesday 14 Nisan, on the Jews Pesach, and the process of Jesus crucifixion as the process of Jews Pesach (Passover)
  2. The accusation of Dr Zakir Naik that Bible was lying, is definetely UNTRUE. According to Dr Zakir Naik Jesus said 3 days 3 Nights in the heart of the earth, and he just stayed 2 days 1 night in the tomb, and his statement is definetely wrong. Jesus was not crussified on Friday as the gregorian calender stated, but He was crussified on Wednesday 14 Nisan, died at 3-6 evening. Jesus was risen at 18 Nisan night. Therefore He stayed in the tomb in 3 Nights 3 days, not 2 Nights 1 day.
  3. The accusation of Dr Zakir Naik that Jonah lived in the belly of the whale and Jesus died in the heart of the earth is UNTRUE since there was not any explanation whether Jonah was alive or dead and was risen by God (inthe fish belly is full of deathly disgestion enzyme). As well as Jesus who died biologically, but God is SPIRIT. although he was biologically died, but He lives as SPIRIT of GOD which proclaim the gospel/salvation to the spirit of the death people in Noah’s age. Dr zakir Naik arrogantly said that the Christ crussifixion is CRUCIFICTED (Jesus was not crussified but other man, it was just a fake), and He arrogantly said that without the crussifixion so there is no Christianity, and it means the Christian Bible is a lie. The fact obviously proves that Jesus Christ was really crucified, and Dr Zakir Naik is a liar and a rapist of bible’s verses for the sake of his spiritual orgasm, and He is definitely inappropriate to use his degree in theology.   Dr Zakir Naik, I tell you: Christ is not crucificted but really crucified and HE has risen from the death!!! May Jesus Christ brightens Dr Zakir Naik’s way, when he tell the story of the whale again, he will get an enlightenment of salvation in gospel.


Dr zakir Naik arrogantly said that the Christ crussifixion is CRUCIFICTED (Jesus was not crussified but other man, it was just a fake), and He arrogantly said that without the crussifixion so there is no Christianity, and it means the Christian Bible is a lie. The fact obviously proves that Jesus Christ was really crucified, and Dr Zakir Naik is a liar and a rapist of bible’s verses for the sake of his spiritual orgasm, and He is definitely inappropriate to use his Sciencetistic in theology.  


Dr Zakir Naik, I tell you: Christ is not crucificted but really crucified and HE has risen from the death!!!


May Jesus Christ brightens Dr Zakir Naik’s way, when he tell the story of the whale again, he will get an enlightenment of salvation in gospel. Lord Jesus bless you.

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