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Apologet Paul Zhang
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Apologet (Menjawab Iman Kristen). Penulis buku best seller Serial Menggugat Alkitab dan Khilafah Terakhir. Memberitakan Injil fokus kepada orang-orang Islam. Artikel tentang Khilafah Nusantara (sedang dibukukan) menggelitik dan memandang masa kolonialisme dari perspektif kekuasaan Islam. Aktifitasnya berapologia, menjawab fitnahan Islam terhadap kekristenan sudah membuahkan hasil dengan ratusan ex-muslim yang dibaptis, juga banyak orang kristen yang diteguhkan imannya melalui artikel dan tulisannya di Facebook.




Dr. Zakir Naik Ikan Paus dan Tragedi 2 Malam 1 Hari Kematian Yesus

6 Januari 2016   14:44 Diperbarui: 4 April 2017   18:23 36154
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Moeslem debate, Dr Zakir Naik, a moslem scientist stated that Jesus was not crucified but upraised directly to Heaven by God, while the one who crucified is another man. Zakir Naik used a verse of Jonah sign in Matthew 12:39-40, as stated below:

39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.


Dr Zakir Naik oriented that Jesus died on good Friday at 3 afternoon, and was rised at early Sunday morning. Therefore, He insisted that it denies (Bible’s lie) Jesus’ own words about the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. If we counted, from Friday at 3 afternoon until early Sunday morning, it is no doubt that only 2 nights and 1 day. As an ex- simple Sunday school kid, who learned from a simple teacher too, i am curious since all this time i have followed the National and International Calender that on good Friday always red, means it is a sermon in the church to commemorate the death of Isa Almasih. On Sunday the date is red too, not because of it’s Sunday, but after good Friday, the next Sunday will be the day to celebrate the rise of Jesus Christ. I was shocked enough with the statement of Zakir Naik that Jesus lied because He was supposed to book the heart of earth hotel in 3 days 3 nights, but it had already checked out in 2 nights 1 day?


Finally, From one to other investigation, it turns out that there is a mistake in Church’s tradition as happened on December 25, which assigned as Jesus’ born day (there were not meadow for the sheeps to eat in the winter, or at least it was a cold autumn). The crucified incident of Jesus Christ is to complete all the Jewish tradition about Pasch (The Jews redemption from Egypth). The Pasch day (known as Passover Day), and all the preparation was celebrated from 14 Nisan. According to Jews calender, the beginning of the day started at 6 at night. Therefore, 14 nisan means: 14 nisan Night, Morning, Afternoon, and Evening towards the next day.


Based on this new understanding, the comparison of the original preparation order of the Jews Pasch (with the sacrificial lamb) versus Jesus Crucifixion (Jesus as the Lamb of God sacrificed for the world’s redemption) as mentioned bellow:


14 Nisan Night (Exodus 12 and Luke 22)

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