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Nama : Nurul Hikmah Damis NIM : 46121120032 Jurusan : Psikologi Fakultas : Psikologi Mata Kuliah : Kewirausahaan Dosen : Prof. Dr. Apollo, Ak., M.Si.



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Proposal Bisnis Our's Fit Food

30 Mei 2023   21:58 Diperbarui: 30 Mei 2023   22:17 650
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Daftar Pustaka :

Ali, B. J., & Anwar, G. (2021). Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies and its influence on the Competitive Advantage. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 7(6).

Allen, R. S., dkk. (2007). Porter's Generic Strategies:an Exploratory Study of Their Use in Japan. Journal ofBusiness Strategies, 24(1).

Anggreni, M. (2021). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Mutu Pendidikan. Jurnal PTK Dan Pendidikan, 6(2).

Citraningsih, D., & Noviandari, H. (2022). Interaksionisme Simbolik: Peran Kepemimpinan Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan. Social Science Studies, 2(1).

Hormati, T. (2016). Pengaruh budaya organisasi, rotasi pekerjaan terhadap motivasi kerja dan kinerja pegawai. Jurnal EMBA, 4(2).

Ilhomovna., U. D., (2021). Using Swot Analysis In Strategic Planning of the Enterprise. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 2(2).

Lestari, I. A., & Mursid, M. C. (2021). Analysis of the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Behavior. Jurnal manajemen dan perbankan syariah, 3().

Lulaj, E., & Isneni, E. (2018). Role of Analysis CVP (Cost-Volume-Profit) as Important Indicator for Planning and Making Decisions in the Business Environment. European Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 4(2). DOI: 10.2478/ejes-2018-0043

Maulana, Y. S., dkk. (2019). Analysis of Porter's Generic Strategies in Enhancing Competitiveness in Retail Industry. Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 15(3).

Mulyadi. (2001). Akuntansi Manajemen: Konsep, Manfaat, dan Rekayasa. Edisi Ketiga. Penerbit Salemba Empat. Jakarta.

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