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The Study of Anand Krishna’s Effort in Dealing with the Crucial Moment in His Life as Seen in His Soul Quest — Journey from Death to Immortality.

16 September 2010   04:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:12 204
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Fortunately the monk began to lead them into meditation: “Watch your thoughts Do not react, do not judge ... Just watch them as they appear and disappear ... “(161).

Suddenly one thought was replaced by another. Anand was not reacting. He was not to judge. He was in fact not to make anything of those thoughts. They were just thoughts.

The monk kept reminding him:

…do not judge your thought... do not choose between what you consider good and what consider bad... thoughts are just thoughts, the have no substance.. .neither good nor bad..., just watch them. (162)

Anand tried to be non judgmental. He tried not to choose. He fried to watch. Then he realized that “being non judgmental” was also a thought. “Not choosing” was also a choice. And by thinking of thoughts as having no substance, neither good nor bad, was in fact affirming their substances. Thoughts were just thought, all right- but they did have substance. Such denial, though, made no difference to thought was just another thought.

…Death, Unfulfilled Life, Death, Unfulfilled Life, Death, Unfulfilled Life, Death, Unfulfilled Life, Death, Unfulfilled Life, Death, Unfulfilled Life, Death Unfulfilled life... Death, Unfulfilled Life... Those two were different yet the same thought. (162)

The monk came toward him and said, “Relax now…And very slowly open your eyes...” (162).

Anand opened his eyes and found the monk looking straight at him. Their eyesmet and the monk nodded his head in what he felt was “silent recognition”. Anand recognized him too. A friend, a co-traveler from another period of time-then, too, he had been a monk.

Chai, traditional Indian tea with milk and cardamon was served after meditation. The monk came towards him. Anand told the monk that he came from Indonesia and also about his sickness. The monk listened to it attentively. Anand found tenderness and compassion in abundance from this monk.

2.2.4. Accepting Death

In theory of Psychoanalysis, there are terms used by Freud: id, ego, and superego. Rohrberger and Woods in their Reading and Writing about Literature say that, the modem psychological movement received its greatest impetus from Freud” (13- 14).

According to them, Freud explores that, “...the unconscious area of human mind is the area of man’s rich imagination, his capacity for creation, the complexity of his thought and behavior” (13).

In the case of Theories of Personality, they quoted Hall and Lindzey as saying, a person’s personality is made up three major systems, the Id, the, and the super ego” (22-26).

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