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Eating at night? Yes or no

11 Desember 2024   22:54 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2024   22:54 39
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Eating at night is a habit that can have benefits or negative impacts depending on the pattern and type of food consumed. If done wisely, such as eating light and healthy foods, eating at night can help restore energy after strenuous activity and support quality sleep. However, if eating is done too close to bedtime or involves foods high in calories, fat and sugar, this risks causing weight gain, digestive disorders and metabolic problems. Therefore, it is important to choose healthy foods and set dinner times to support body health.

The positive impact of eating at night is Optimal Energy Recovery: Complex carbohydrates help replenish energy (glycogen) stores in muscles. Speeds Muscle Recovery: Protein helps repair muscle tissue damaged by exercise. Improves Sleep Quality: Low-fat milk contains tryptophan which helps improve relaxation and sleep quality. A well-planned dinner can support heavy physical activity without causing negative effects on the body.

I can feel this when I am practicing running at night. Training usually ends at 20.00, and I feel hungry afterward. Before changing my diet, I often ignored my hunger or only consumed small snacks, so I often felt tired and had difficulty recovering the next day. Research Supporting Data Energy Recovery and Work Performance A study in the Nutrients Journal (2018) shows that dinners containing complex carbohydrates and protein improve work performance in individuals who are active at night. These nutrients help keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent fatigue.

In conclusion, eating at night can provide benefits if done wisely, such as helping restore energy and improving sleep quality. However, this habit is also risky if not controlled, such as increasing body weight, causing digestive disorders, and disrupting the body's metabolism. To maintain health, choose light and healthy foods, avoid overeating, and leave time between eating and sleeping. With proper management, eating at night does not have to have a negative impact on the body.

The negative impact of eating at night is weight gain: The habit of eating high-calorie foods at night, without sufficient physical activity, causes excess calories to be stored as fat.
Indigestion: Eating late at night can trigger acid reflux and discomfort. Metabolic Disorders: Consuming foods high in sugar or fat at night can interfere with blood sugar control and increase the risk of metabolic disease.

I can feel this when I was a student who often stayed up late to complete assignments. While staying up late, I usually eat fast food such as instant noodles, pizza, or fried foods to overcome hunger. I eat late almost every day around 11pm--1am. After 6 months, Rina started experiencing several problems: Weight increased by 7 kg. Often feel tired and have difficulty focusing in the morning. Experiencing stomach acid reflux (heartburn) and indigestion.

Research Supporting Data Weight Gain and Obesity Research from the Obesity Journal (2013) shows that eating late at night is associated with increased body weight. This is caused by disruption of the circadian rhythm, which makes the body more likely to store calories as fat when eating at night. Indigestion A study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology (2015) found that eating dinner too close to bedtime increases the risk of gastric acid reflux (GERD). Fatty or spicy foods consumed late at night worsen this condition. Metabolic Disease Risk Research from the Diabetes Journal (2018) notes that high-calorie dinners can increase the risk of insulin resistance, which is a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Negative Impact Conclusion Weight Gain: The habit of eating high-calorie foods at night, without sufficient physical activity, causes excess calories to be stored as fat. Indigestion: Eating late at night can trigger acid reflux and discomfort. Metabolic Disorders: Consuming foods high in sugar or fat at night can disrupt blood sugar control and increase the risk of metabolic disease.

Makan di malam hari? yes or no

Makan di malam hari adalah kebiasaan yang dapat memberikan manfaat atau dampak negatif tergantung pada pola dan jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi. Jika dilakukan dengan bijak, seperti mengonsumsi makanan ringan dan sehat, makan di malam hari dapat membantu memulihkan energi setelah aktivitas berat dan mendukung kualitas tidur. Namun, jika makan dilakukan terlalu dekat dengan waktu tidur atau melibatkan makanan tinggi kalori, lemak, dan gula, hal ini berisiko menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan, gangguan pencernaan, serta masalah metabolisme. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memilih makanan sehat dan mengatur waktu makan malam agar tetap mendukung kesehatan tubuh.

Dampak Positif makan di malam hari adalah
Pemulihan Energi Optimal: Karbohidrat kompleks membantu mengisi kembali cadangan energi (glikogen) di otot. Mempercepat Pemulihan Otot: Protein membantu memperbaiki jaringan otot yang rusak akibat latihan. Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur: Susu rendah lemak mengandung triptofan yang membantu meningkatkan relaksasi dan kualitas tidur. Makan malam yang terencana dapat mendukung aktivitas fisik berat tanpa menyebabkan efek negatif pada tubuh.

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