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Nasywa Amirah
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What is Korean Wave Diplomacy (K-Wave)?

10 Januari 2024   18:32 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   21:59 102
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Indonesia is one of the countries that maintain diplomatic relations with South Korea. Of course, South Korea does this for no other reason than to introduce its culture to foreign countries, build a good image, and establish diplomatic cooperative relations with other countries. This diplomatic activity carried out by South Korea is known as Korean Wave Diplomacy (K-Wave) or Hallyu. Korean wave diplomacy is a term that refers to the use of the popularity of the Korean cultural wave (Korean wave) as a diplomatic tool and influence South Korea's soft power.

Korean Girls Band, Gfriend
Korean Girls Band, Gfriend

The Korean Wave focuses on promoting Korean culture to global countries. This K-Wave diplomacy includes spreading Korean culture through K-pop, K-Drama, K-film, K-Food, K-Beauty, and K-Fashion. South Korea uses K-Wave as a means to attract the attention of the world community. K-Wave has succeeded in attracting world attention, which can be seen from the high popularity of Korean Dramas and Films, as well as K-Pop. This has resulted in an ever-increasing international following. 

Album sales and music video streaming results for K-pop singers have also succeeded in making big profits and gaining popularity on international music charts. The success of Korean diplomacy was able to improve the country's economy and popularize its culture globally. K-Wave is a form of public diplomacy that involves interaction with the public through the media and open forums to build a positive image in the eyes of the public.

In conclusion, K-Wave Diplomacy is a way used by South Korea to promote its country's culture and get the attention of the global community. K-wave diplomacy aims to expand cultural influence and build a positive image in the eyes of the world. In this era of globalization, culture can be an effective tool for improving a country's image and expanding its influence internationally. As stated by South Korea.

Penulis bernama Nasywa Amirah dengan program studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta angkatan tahun 2022. Saya memilih berkuliah di UTY karena kakak sepupu saya alumni disini dan tertarik dengan kerja sama UTY dan pihak Microsoft pada waktu itu. Alasan saya memilih prodi ilmu HI karena saya ingin mendapatkan banyak sekali cara pandang yang berbeda-beda dari setiap orang dalam memandang permasalahan di dunia. Karena sepemahaman saya ilmu HI itu membahas suatu hal secara global. Dosen favorite saya adalah semua dosen dari prodi HI. Masing-masing dari dosen memiliki caranya untuk mengajar sesuai dengan ciri khasnya masing-masing individu dosen. Untuk rencana pemilihan konsentrasi nanti, saya memilih untuk mengambil konsentrasi Diplomasi Publik.

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