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Ilmu Sosbud

Low Intereset in Education in Adolescents

4 Januari 2024   08:55 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2024   09:16 110
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Lack of awareness towards the importance of higher education as they consider higher education to be a waste of time and money. Judging from the educational background, parents can only finish high school (SMA) and even elementary school (SD) and do not understand the function of higher education. Higher education will also aim to make money so that they are better off taking advantage of their opportunities to work which is clearly their income materially than continuing higher education. The desire to continue to higher education is very low, the pessimistic attitude that college only consumes time, energy, thoughts and costs plus not necessarily getting a job is deeply rooted in their minds and minds.

  • The economic state of society

The financial element has a very important role in terms of education, the cost of daily necessities that have a high value and are not in accordance with one's income makes them (someone who is lacking in finance) decide not to continue their education and choose to work to provide for themselves and their families. In an interview conducted (May 27, 2021) by Mr. Ruslan S. Jauhar revealed. Usually people here generally work as fishermen, get fish and then offer them to the market. Sometimes the compensation is not exceptional. For people who have a lot of fish, it is just a problem, but for people who do not have many fish it is difficult to move, so it is difficult to send a child to school level

  • External Factors


  • Peer influence

The child's social environment is one of the dominant factors, because children who do not continue higher education will be attracted to social friends who do not continue higher education and can earn their own money to buy the things they want. It turns out that children's interactions with their peers have a social influence that makes them want to follow the habits that exist in the social environment (social friends).

Children who do not continue higher education are essentially assimilated with children who do not continue higher education. Their social interaction is seen when they work by helping parents at home, spending time after work, traveling, and spending time with their social friends. Environmental factors are where adolescents interact with friends or groups.

  • Environmental influences

Environmental factors are where teens interact with friends or groups. The results of the relationship with the environment also affect the way adolescents think and interest in something, including their interest in education in higher education. Usually his friends do not continue their studies until they enter university, usually they also work in the village with their parents and some work in the city. And we know that his friends at home also do not go to college to find work, they have planned in advance, this shows that the interest of adolescents to continue education is also influenced by environmental and environmental factors.


This study uses a qualitative approach to describe the data, making it descriptive in nature. The literature study method used in this study focuses on reading and studying journals and articles to gather information about the issue or topic under investigation


 [1][i]It can be concluded that many factors influence why many adolescents have a low interest in education. The apathy possessed by adolescents makes them reluctant to continue their education to a higher level

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