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Ilmu Sosbud

Introduction To The Global Market

25 Juni 2023   20:51 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2023   21:06 275
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Effective global marketing is needed in today's world, where everything is connected quickly. Companies that have high adaptability will be superior and able to survive in global competition. In the end, a superior company will result in rapid growth and increased revenue. To achieve this goal, companies use various methods, one of which is using a product / market growth matrix. The matrix includes market penetration, market development, product development, diversification. Competitive advantage becomes a weapon to expand the market, with a competitive advantage the company will be able to increase revenue.

However, a good strategy and a competitive advantage in one country may not necessarily apply to other countries. This causes a manager to also compare and contrast a country's marketing strategy using a global marketing strategy (GMS). GMS requires companies to analyze other countries that will be the target market or location for establishing a new company. The analysis carried out includes social and cultural conditions, economic conditions, and politics of the destination country.

Some companies that are successful in international business are :Walmart; Amazons; State Grids; China National Petroleum; Sinopec Group. These five companies are the top five companies in the world in 2022. This success certainly indicates that they have a good global marketing strategy. 

To achieve this success, the company will go through several stages before competing in the world market. Moving from a company with an Ethnocentric Orientation to a Geocentric one will face various complex problems. The wider the scope of the company, the more complex the problems that will be faced. This high complexity is influenced by several factors that strengthen and weaken. One example is the development of technology and information systems that make relations between countries easier.

In today's interconnected world, there is a need for effective global marketing (Suhairi et al., 2023). As it is an important aspect of modern business, companies will aim to expand their reach beyond the domestic market and take advantage of new opportunities around the world (Dhea Nita Syafina Rambe & Nuri Aslami, 2022). In-depth understanding of local market dynamics, consumer behavior and preferences. This involves adapting the use of marketing strategies to suit the cultural norms and preferences of different target markets while maintaining a consistent brand identity across all markets (Bunyamin, 2021).

To succeed in carrying out global marketing, a business must be proactive in understanding and adapting to local market conditions or what is commonly called the domestic market(Muhammad Syahbudi, 2021). This includes carrying out extensive research, developing cross-cultural competence, and building relationships with local partners and stakeholders(Dunujung, 2022). Additionally, global marketing requires a multi-channel approach, leveraging multiple marketing channels, including traditional advertising, digital marketing, social media, and content marketing, to reach and engage with target audiences worldwide.(Dr. Hartini et al., 2022).

Ultimately, successful global marketing can help businesses achieve their growth and revenue targets by entering new markets and expanding their customer base. However, achieving this success requires careful planning, research and execution to address unique marketing challenges in a global context.

In this chapter, we will explore more about global marketing and provide practical insights and strategies for businesses looking to expand their operations internationally. Using the product/market growth matrix to explain the various ways a company can expand its market globally, Describe how companies in a global industry pursue competitive advantage, Compare and contrast one country's marketing strategy using a global marketing strategy (GMS), Identify top companies in the Global 500 ranking, Describes the stages companies go through as their management orientation evolves from domestic and ethnocentric to global and geocentric,

Uses the product/market growth matrix to describe the different ways a company can expand its market globally(Dr. Hartini et al., 2022). In this case companies need to consider their strengths and weaknesses, as well as suitability with global market conditions(Irwan Fathurrochman et al., 2021). In addition, companies must also identify risks and opportunities in expanding global markets, as well as allocate appropriate resources to achieve their goals.

Describes how companies in the global industry pursue competitive advantage, in this case companies in the global industry have many ways to pursue competitive advantage, depending on the business strategy they choose and the market conditions they are facing(Saraswati & Maudi Aulia, 2023). Companies in global industries need to constantly adapt their strategies to maintain their competitive advantage(Elsa Rosita, 2022). This can include continuous innovation, operational improvement, brand image development, or increased focus on a particular market(Supriyantony et al., 2021).

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