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Comparing The Effectiveness between Online Learning and Face-to-Face Learning for Senior Highschool Studentst

12 Desember 2022   12:59 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2022   13:24 526
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This situation insists either the teacher or students to conquer online context, such as: computer-based platforms and mobile platforms (Jared,, 2010, p. 533). However, many students are not ready for online learning because they are attacked by the course migration; the students may have social isolation because they have a limited access to communicate with the teachers; the students have limited time to convey their feedback after teaching-learning activities, and the students will lack of self-motivation because they could not get the external factors which could push them to perform well (Sander Tamm, 2022).

On the other hand, online learning also has advantages for students because the students have their own time schedule to study and release their stress, and the online learning could customize the learning environment because the students have not chance to create the learning environment based on their own; in the event of face-to-face learning, the students should follow the learning activities which are predetermined by the institution; by implementing the online learning, it cuts the learning time by a quarter up to a half percent differentiated to face-to-face learning (Sander Tamm, 2022). Therefore, the students could obtain many benefits from online learning and the students are common to learn by using online learning during 2020 and at the end of 2021.

Based on the research result explain that online learning affects the students and schools from various matters, including the readiness of electronic devices, such as Laptop, Cellular Phone, or tablets; Signal and including the internet quota (Tambunan et al.,2021). As a result, the readiness of students or teachers on preparing the material or participating on online program learning is still could not reach the standard competency (Manik, 2021).

In December 2021, Four Ministries in Indonesia which consist of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology; the Ministry of Religious Affairs; the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Home Affairs issued the Joint Decree No. 03/KB/2021, No.384/2021, No.HK.01.08/MENKES/424/2021 and No. 440-717/2021, it regulates face-to-face learning to conduct the educational sectors located in particular zones (it's referred to "Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat" or PPKM level 1,2,3 regions) (Latasha Safira, 2022, p. 2). This regulation requires some of conditions, including subject to the Covid-19 safety protocols; the education personnel should have been vaccinated, the distance position between the students should be managed in the classroom. If the schools are unable to meet the requirements, they must continue to hold online learning.

The implementation of face-to face learning could be a solution for solving the obstacles in online learning (Cahyati & Kusumah, 2020). Most parents, students, and teachers support face-to-face learning as a model in PPKM situation (Supriyanto & Rozaq, 2020, p. 753-763). Then, some of students' parents thought that face-to face learning is more effective than online learning because their students could be focused and have direct feedback from their teachers if their children have difficulties or obstacles about the subject due to the parents' lack capability. Despite those reasons, there are some controversies during face-to-face learning implementation; parents' opinion realized that health is a priority, and the learning still could be held from the students' home (Emilda Sulasmi, 2022).

Although learning activities is flexible and could be conduct anywhere and anytime, the writer wants to compare and measure which is the best learning model for conducting learning activities at Senior Highschool students that will affect the students' achievement in this pandemic situation.

Literature review


Definition of Online Learning

Online learning is one of learning media which has been popular since the past decade and people notice that this is a major device to interact with others (Mufanti & Susilo, 2016, p. 790) It is unlocked and wide learning system using educational aids, through the internet and network-based to facilitate the formation of learning process (Dabbagh & Ritland, 2005, p. 15) Based on the point of view the writer, online learning is the media which is held using the internet connection where the students or the teachers could access the materials broadly.

Online learning provides the students a chance to practice and acquire the communicative competence to know their own learning styles, strength, weakness in acquiring the lesson and to study collaboratively with their friend who are geographically distant to them (Pallof & Pratt, 2007, p. 35) It means that the students can consider their own learning style based on their capacity and they can share or add their knowledge via online across the country. This learning model is one of programs which encourages self-study, and it may refer to digital as a media for learning. Online learning based on Robin Mason, 1998 is divided into two: partially online or fully online. Partially online learning is integrated by existing materials that are printable or non-printable. Fully online learning is a teaching-learning activity which is conducted by online (the materials is non-printable) (Sakshi Arora, 2017, p. 32). In Indonesia, the teachers are adopted partially online learning because some of materials are still based on the textbook and non-printable material. Most of the teachers used their own textbook for teaching the students via online and send the task from the textbook to their students as their daily task or order the students to do their assignment through digital platforms.

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