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Creating Value for Target Customers

15 Januari 2023   23:00 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2023   23:00 284
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Concentrated marketing

When using a focused marketing strategy (or niche marketing) instead of following a small section of a large market, most companies operate in one or more smaller segments or niches.

With the help of centralized marketing, the company achieves a strong market position thanks to its more in-depth knowledge of consumer needs in the niche it serves and a well-deserved distinctive reputation. Can market more effectively by tailoring its products, prices and programs to the needs of well-defined segments. It can also market, target, more effectively provide its products or services, channels and communication programs only to the consumers it can serve best and most profitably.

Choose A Targeting Strategy

Companies must consider many factors when selecting a marketing alignment strategy. What strategy is best depends on the company's resources. When a company's resources are limited, focus marketing makes the most sense. The best strategy also depends on the level of product variety.

If most buyers have the same tastes, buy in large quantities are the same and react the same to marketing actions, thus called undifferentiated marketing according to Finally, the marketing strategies of competitors must be considered. When competitors use this marketing as differentiated or focused, undifferentiated marketing can be self-defeating. Conversely, with competitors with the help of undifferentiated marketing, the company can benefit from using differentiated or centralized marketing that is tailored to the needs of buyers in a particular segment.

Choose a targeting strategy

Businesses must consider many factors when choosing a marketing alignment strategy. What strategy the best one depends on company resources. When company resources are limited, marketing Focus is what makes the most sense. The best strategy also depends on the level of variation Product. Undifferentiated marketing is more suitable for uniform products such as pomelos or grapefruit steal Products that can vary in design, such as cameras and cars, are better suited to stand out and Concentration. The phases of the product life cycle must also be considered. If company for launching a new product, it may be easier to release only one version, but marketing is not Differentiated or focused marketing may make the most sense. However, it is in the mature stage product life cycle, differentiated marketing often makes more sense.

When competitors use differentiated or centralized marketing, undifferentiated marketing can be self-defeating. In contrast, when competitors use undifferentiated marketing, the company can gain by using differentiated or focused marketing that focuses on the needs of a particular buyer segment.

Differentiation and positioning

As well as deciding which market segments to target, a company must also decide on its value proposition - how to create differentiating value for the target segments and what position it wants to achieve within those segments. Positioning of a product refers to how consumers define the product based on important characteristics - related to the location of the product. consumer products vs competitor products are made in factories, but brands come to mind of consumers.

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