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Case Study: Retaining and Acquiring Customer for Merged Bank

4 Februari 2011   10:32 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   08:54 297
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Using accenture's software design, the writer focuses on retaining customer from going to other and to capture potential customer. Here is the detail:

1. Conducting assessment of current service operation and opportunity of potential customer. The output of this step is getting clear picture of current position of merged bank's service operation relative to potential customer. They are four activities in this step. They are building and organizing appropriate data, developing assessment variable of service operation, developing assessment tool, and deploying assessment.

Build and organize appropriate data. This activity focuses on gathering of appropriate information series and then organizing the information series into data series. The key is capturing customer aspiration regarding service operation.

Develop assessment variable of service operation. The assessment variable is key variable that give customer value. These variables will be base for assessment process. The key is defining the area/variable that customer have willingness to pay such as business and financial transaction, customer relation, information technology service, availability of branch, and brand image of bank.

Develop assessment tool. The key is to utilize digital technology and keep capturing customer aspiration. The tool must be simple and meet the need of assessment.

Deploy assessment. The execution of assessment is base on assessment variable and using related assessment tool. The result of assessment must give clear picture of current position of merged bank's service operation relative to potential customer.

2. Driving customer insight and defining competitive essence of merged bank. The output of this step is to get deep understanding of targeted market through comprehensive segmentation and to define competitive area that merged bank will focus on. There are two activities. They are developing comprehensive segmentation model, defining competitive essence of merged bank.

Develop comprehensive segmentation model. This segmentation model allows merged bank to understand complete, multidimensional picture of both current and potential consumers. It provides demographic, value, behavior, attitudes, and needs of customer. The output of segmentation will be foundation and base for further step to provide customer treatment. The key is deep understanding of targeted customer and stay focus on targeted customer. This segmentation must answer

"What is the driver of my existing customer in terms of value, attitude, behavior, and needs?"

"How well I'm aware of my potential consumers outside my current consumer's base?"

"Who is the most attractive segment of my customer?"

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