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Mysterious Death

11 September 2024   09:04 Diperbarui: 11 September 2024   09:13 51
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Jika anda tertarik agar anak anda yang sudah di tingkat SMA biasa belajar bahasa Inggris, maka kisah ini sangt bauik untuk dia:

"What? A dead body?" Edeng exclaimed.



"It is there ..."

"Come on, show me!

The two were about to head there, when suddenly several female workers greeted them ...

Sometime before ...

When Gernis found the body, she rubbing her neck with a familiar soap, was taken aback. Her eyes widened, and her face drained of colour. She was on the verge of a loud scream. The lifeless body left her unable to discern its identity.

Gernis, still covered in soap suds, hurriedly made her way towards her foster brother Edeng, who was heading to the water spout.

"What's wrong, Ger?" Edeng asked, surprised by Gernis's haste.

"Um... That..." Gernis stammered, struggling to find the words.

"What is it, Ger?" Edeng inquired curiously.

"There's... there's a dead body!"

Gernis's speech faltered. She pointed towards the tap, trying to catch her breath.

Gernis didn't answer directly. She simply grabbed Edeng's hand and led him to the tap. With the morning sun starting to filter through the leaves, Edeng could clearly see that the lifeless body was that of a woman. However, since she was completely uncovered, Edeng refrained from staring for too long.

"Oh, my God!" Edeng exclaimed. "We have to inform your father, Nis..."

Gernis nodded silently, unsure of what to do at that moment. She followed Edeng from behind, making their way to her house to meet with Mr. Ceknang, her father and the owner of the rubber plantation.

Without them realizing, several female workers were apparently secretly following the two of them.

"What's happening, Edeng?" inquired the female workers, all of whom were tapping rubber, as they observed Gernis and Edeng rushing past their quarters as if being chased by a ghost.

Edeng and Gernis halted their run. "It's... This..." Gernis stammered, attempting to catch her breath. "There's a dead person!"

"A dead person?" The women were taken aback. "Who?"

"I don't know yet. I couldn't bear to look at it for too long. But it's definitely a woman," Gernis replied.

"A woman? Where?"

"Over there, near the tap!"

"Take us there, Deng!" they exclaimed in unison.

Edeng hesitated for a moment. "You go and inform your dad. I'll take them there!" Edeng proposed as a solution.

The women followed Edeng closely as they made their way to the spot where Gernis had discovered the body. They stood in stunned silence upon witnessing the woman's condition.

"Leni," they whispered almost simultaneously.

It was their friend who slept in the farthest room of the quarters. Her face appeared pale, with her mouth slightly agape and her teeth clenched as if in agony. Her chest bore a wound, and her body lay uncovered. There were traces of frozen blood near her private area.

They remained silent for a long time, unable to comprehend Leni's death. Just yesterday afternoon, they were joking and laughing together, even sharing a meal. Little did they know it would be their final encounter.

At that time Mr. Ceknang was already with them ...

"Nobody touches anything!" Suddenly, Pak Ceknang, the owner of the rubber plantation, appeared alongside Edeng. His house was not far from the tap. "Quick, find some cloth to cover her body. And Joko, call the police immediately!" Mr. Ceknang instructed his security guard. "Can your walkie-talkie reach the district office?"

"Yes, Sir," Joko responded.


Mr. Ceknang glanced at everyone present, his sharp gaze scanning each individual. "Who discovered it first?" he inquired.

"I did, Dad!" Gernis replied, approaching her father.

"What happened, Gernis?" Mr. Ceknang whispered, turning to his daughter. "Oh, why are you wet like that?"

"I don't know, Dad," Gernis replied. "I was taking a shower, and then I accidentally stumbled upon the corpse."

"Why did you have to shower here? Don't we have a bathroom at home?" Mr. Ceknang scolded his daughter, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Um, Dad, I haven't showered under a natural bamboo shower like this in a long time..." his daughter responded guiltily.

Mr. Ceknang shook his head. "You're being foolish. What if you were the target?" admonished the annoyed father. "Don't we have a bathroom at home? Next time, wait until it's fully daylight before taking a shower here!"

Gernis remained silent, acknowledging her father's admonition. He was right. If she had been the intended victim, she would have been terrified.


A few hours earlier ...

As the night stretched on, a cold, eerie wind swept through. Leni's locked bedroom window suddenly swung open around two in the morning. In an uncanny turn of events, a massive black cat appeared on the windowsill, its eyes fixed intently on Leni, who slept peacefully. Oddly, a watch was fastened around the cat's left front paw.

With an almost human-like agility, the cat leaped down. Simultaneously, the bedroom window closed as if by some unseen force. The giant cat approached Leni's bed, standing on its hind legs while its front legs moved in an uncanny manner. It emitted strange murmurs.

"Let's go!" the cat hissed, its voice eerily human-like.

Suddenly, Leni's bed covers fell to the sides, exposing her to the cat. The cat grinned, tongue out, and licked its saliva-covered lips. Then, without hesitation, it leaped onto the bed, meticulously grooming Leni as a cat would its kittens.

Leni squirmed, sneezed, and woke up. However, her eyelids felt impossibly heavy, and she couldn't open them. Overwhelming fatigue and drowsiness left her only able to sigh.

Instinctively, Leni tried to push the animal away, but she had no strength. She could only manage a feeble groan. In no time, the creature climbed atop her, its behavior unsettlingly human-like.

Leni's instincts screamed of impending danger. She tried once more to push the creature away, but she couldn't even lift her hands, let alone exert any force. She attempted to scream, but her voice failed her.

Meanwhile, the creature had already penetrated Leni's body with great force. She could only scream internally, tears streaming down her cheeks. Intimate contact with the opposite sex had been foreign to Leni her whole life. The touch of the creature was an entirely new sensation, albeit a horrifying one. Regrettably, it was short-lived. Leni began to feel weightless. Then, agony seared through her as the creature's claws tore into her chest, seizing her heart and lungs.

Leni's body crumpled, devoid of a second scream. Her soul had departed. The creature, immensely satisfied, savored and devoured her heart and lungs, its sharp teeth gleaming. It then pushed open the window and, from a distance, carried Leni's body into the night's darkness.


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