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Cerbung Pilihan

Mysterious Death

11 September 2024   09:04 Diperbarui: 11 September 2024   09:13 50
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"Um... That..." Gernis stammered, struggling to find the words.

"What is it, Ger?" Edeng inquired curiously.

"There's... there's a dead body!"

Gernis's speech faltered. She pointed towards the tap, trying to catch her breath.

Gernis didn't answer directly. She simply grabbed Edeng's hand and led him to the tap. With the morning sun starting to filter through the leaves, Edeng could clearly see that the lifeless body was that of a woman. However, since she was completely uncovered, Edeng refrained from staring for too long.

"Oh, my God!" Edeng exclaimed. "We have to inform your father, Nis..."

Gernis nodded silently, unsure of what to do at that moment. She followed Edeng from behind, making their way to her house to meet with Mr. Ceknang, her father and the owner of the rubber plantation.

Without them realizing, several female workers were apparently secretly following the two of them.

"What's happening, Edeng?" inquired the female workers, all of whom were tapping rubber, as they observed Gernis and Edeng rushing past their quarters as if being chased by a ghost.

Edeng and Gernis halted their run. "It's... This..." Gernis stammered, attempting to catch her breath. "There's a dead person!"

"A dead person?" The women were taken aback. "Who?"

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Mohon tunggu...

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